Help Needed - 2008 Meetings of Circuit Overseers outline on Higher Education

by jwfacts 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jwfacts

    In 2008, the outline for Meetings of Circuit Overseers with Congregational Elders and Ministerial Servants discussed that an elder can be removed for promoting university. There used to be a Spanish scan linked on this site, but the link no longer works. I would be happy to find a copy of either the Spanish or English version. The relevant part, translated from Spanish, stated:

    “When an appointed servant promotes higher education for the purpose of economic gain or prestige, this places in doubt his qualifications to serve in the congregation, and may affect his freeness of expression and that of his fellow elders.”

    Please let me know if you have a copy or know of an active link.

  • jwfacts

    A scan used to be accessible from It is a Spanish website. Does anyone know who runs that site, or know how to contact the owner? I don't see an email address.

  • Bangalore

    Here it is.


  • Bangalore


  • Bangalore


  • Bangalore


  • Atlantis

    I'll try again, but my posts are just not coming out correctly.

    Jwfacts, I'll send it to you in an email. None of our posts are appearing correctly and compressing all together even when they are separated.



  • Atlantis





    “Continue holding to the pattern of healthful words that you heard from me.” (2 Tim. 1:13).

    INTRODUCTION (2 min.)

    A Christian should avoid anything which may pose a risk to his spirituality (1 Tim.4:1). How can we protect ourselves against the harmful influence of Satan’s world? We have the Word of God, the Bible (2 Tim. 3: 16, 17). Jehovah has provided abundant spiritual food through “the faithful slave” (Matt.24:45). We must be determined to take advantage of Jehovah’s provisions to the full; continue “holding to the pattern of healthful words” that we have heard. (2Tim. 1:13).

    HEALTHFUL WORDS TO INSPIRE OTHERS TO PROGRESS (15 min.) Jehovah invites spiritual men to “reach out” for theocratic privileges (1 Tim. 3:1; Eccl. 12: 1). It is better to be spiritual than to have natural abilities or a talent for organization. Help the brothers to cultivate the desire to serve, not to seek a position (Prov. 11:2; 1 Cor. 13:2). In their quarterly meetings, the elders should analyze the situation of those youth having potential and spiritual qualities. Encourage parents to teach and prepare their children with the goal of inculcating the truth in their hearts, and of motivating them to support the Kingdom enthusiastically ( w03 15/6, p 21, paragraphs 15- 17). In conjunction with parents, give youth specific assignments to inspire them and to help them progress.


    What can elders and ministerial servants do and say to inspire young ones and those new in the truth to progress? [Brothers who are zealous in the ministry and who desire to serve better can be given assignments in the Kingdom Hall, such as cleaning and maintenance; lightweight responsibilities in the sound department, on the platform, in the literature department; helping the older brothers, etc. ( od pp. 55, 56)].


    An elder agrees to accompany a young brother in the preaching work.


    How can he encourage him? [Inquire about his spiritual goals: baptism, pioneer service, Ministry Training School, Bethel service, ministerial service, etc. ( od pp. 117-119). Full-time service will allow him to gain experience in helping others, strengthen him spiritually and teach him to rely upon Jehovah ( w85 15/9, pp 16, 17 paragraphs 9-12)].


    A brother would like to be a ministerial servant, but does not know how to satisfy the requirements and is not quite sure whether it is alright to ask.


    If he asks how he can satisfy the requirements, should this be interpreted as a lack of humility or as audacity? [When faced with the question: “What do I need to do?,” Jesus and his disciples gave clear and useful guidance (Mark 10:17; Acts 16:30). The elders should direct the brother to the printed information dealing with the requirements ( od 54-56; w90 1/9, pp. 23-39)].


    The objective of education is to enable one to praise Jehovah ( w96 1/2, p. 14, paragraph 23). What we think about education reveals how much faith we have in God’s promise to take care of his servants (Matt. 6:33; Col. 3:23, 24). Attending to personal and family necessities is a secondary objective (1 Tim. 6:-6-8: w96 1/2, p. 14, par. 22). To make good decisions, one must anticipate the costs of higher education (Luke 14:28-30).


    What costs does a higher education incur? [Monetary costs, promotes the desire for prominence in Satan’s system, a climate of moral relativity, some have abandoned the truth, etc. ( w05 1/10, pp. 28, 29, paragraphs 9-13)]. Parents should help their children by practical means to choose an education which can provide them a happy and lasting future. Focusing on congregational activities produces happiness (Acts. 20:35). The first disciples of Jesus renounced promising professions (Matt. 4:18-22; 9:9;Col. 4:14). They did not see it as a loss (Matt. 19:29). Would a brother be continuing to satisfy the requirements for holding privileges in the congregation if he, his wife or his children pursued higher studies? [Ask for brief comments on 1 Timothy 3:13 and Titus 1:9].


    The son of an elder is studying for a career in architecture; lives with his parents, is a ministerial servant, has organized his studies, so that they do not interfere with the meetings or the ministry; occasionally auxiliary pioneers and the family does not promote the idea that others should obtain this type of education.


    By his lifestyle and that of his family, can it be said that this elder is teaching his family to place the Kingdom first? (Matt. 6:33). [If a brother or a member of his family is pursuing higher education in order to obtain a specific job, does not promote it, and if it is clear that both he and his family are seeking first the Kingdom, his services of privilege need not be affected. Some professions require that an individual periodically take certification courses so as not to lose a professional license].


    The daughter of an elder studies at an university far from home with the goal of earning a lot of money. The elder and his wife tell other brothers that their daughter is doing this at their request; in view of the good economic situation that she will have, and the prestige which the family will gain.


    What opinion does this family have of that which the faithful slave has said concerning higher education, as revealed by their words and conduct? (Ps.1:2, 3; 1 Cor. 2:13-16; 3 John 9). [When an appointed servant promotes higher education for the purpose of economic gain or prestige, this places in doubt his qualifications to serve in the congregation, and may affect his freeness of expression and that of his fellow elders].

    LOCAL NEEDS (10 min.)


    [Use points from the article “Making Friends By Means of Unrighteous Riches,” from The Watchtower of 1 December 1994, to encourage contributions for the worldwide work].

    CONCLUSION (3 min.)

    Paul exhorted Timothy to continue “holding on to the pattern of healthful words” (2 Tim. 1:13). The Greek word which is translated as “pattern” literally refers to an artist’s sketch. Although not having much detail, the well defined contours of the sketch allow a discerning observer to form a general idea of the picture. Equally, the pattern of truth that Paul taught to Timothy and other Christians did not claim to give a concrete answer to every conceivable question. This set of teachings provides sufficient guidelines to enable sincere persons to perceive what Jehovah expects of them. To please God, we must all continue to hold to this pattern of truth, practicing what we have learned.

    [At this point, ministerial servants should withdraw and the following section should be considered only with the elders. Later, other subjects which require attention will be examined with the elders.]


    Jehovah is the Founder of marriage (Gen. 2:18, 24; Matt. 19:4-6). He had decided that there should be a permanent bond between a man and a woman. After the rebellion and the fall into sin, he established what would be the biblical basis for ending a marriage (Matt. 19: 8, 9; 1 Cor. 7:39; it-1 714, 715). Appointed men desire that their marriage and that of others to be kept “honorable” and “without defilement” (Heb. 13:4). When problems arise, they use the Word of God to help both parties to see what may have aggravated the situation (Ps.19:12, 13; 127:1). The elders must respect the authority principle when counseling married couples. They do not allow ill-directed sympathies or favoritism towards one of the parties to cloud their view of the situation (Prov. 18:13, 17). The counsel must be based on the Bible and must follow the instructions of the faithful and discreet slave ( be p. 267, paragraphs 1, 2); letter to the body of elders of 6 December 2006, paragraphs 8-12; letter to the body of elders of The United States of 15 February 2002, paragraph 14). When separation is spoken of, the elders should maintain a neutral and objective position (Deut. 16:18, 19; w88 1/11, p. 21 paragraph 4; fy pp. 159-161). Be very careful when it comes to evaluating evidence which may justify a biblical divorce. It must be understood exactly what is porneia (ks91 p. 93; w06 15/7, pp. 29, 30). (Make sure that the elders have the updated definition (see the letter of 3 May 2003 to circuit overseers)) If elders give hasty and imprecise counsel and the person enters into an adulterous marriage, what will Jehovah think of this counsel? If they are not sure whether the person is biblically free, let them write to the branch. Apply theocratic directives in a coherent way. [Do not ask the elders to answer the following questions; rather, when posing the question read the answer between brackets].


    A sister tells the elders that her husband refuses to support her economically. She also claims that he is living with another woman, and has a receipt signed by him for the rental payment of an apartment in which the woman is living.


    Based upon these facts, could the sister divorce her husband and become biblically free to remarry? [Is she truly in poverty? In such a case, separation or divorce are her decision (1 Cor. 7:11; fy p. 160, paragraphs 17, 18). Unless adultery can be proven, she is not biblically free to remarry ( ks91, p. 111)]


    A married and baptized brother tells two publishers that he has been“immoral”.


    Could the elders accept this as a basis for determining the biblical freedom of the believing spouse? [It has to be a clear and unequivocal confession of adultery (Josh. 7:19, 20). “Immorality” includes an wide variety of acts which do not always coincide with that which the Bible calls porneia].


    A publisher enters into a strictly contractual agreement to marry for the purpose of helping someone to obtain citizenship. After fulfilling the contract and obtaining a definitive divorce, the brother desires to remarry.


    Given that the marriage was never consummated, does this mean that they were never actually married? [That which formalizes the marriage is not sexual relations, but the marriage bond that legally unites the couple ( w06 15/10 pg.18-23)]. When giving counsel, they should not rely upon their own understanding (Prov. 3:5, 6). Confirm the facts; investigate; ask for the help of the holy spirit. Trust in the power of the Word of God and in the direction of His organization (Matt. 24:45; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17).


    When the branch notifies the body of elders that a brother has been appointed as an elder or ministerial servant in the congregation, the presiding overseer should assign two elders to meet with that one before announcing the appointment. Without exception, the elders should pose the following questions to the brother:

    Is there anything in your past or in your personal or family life which disqualifies you or prevents you from accepting this appointment?

    Is there any reason why your appointment should not be announced to the congregation?

    Moreover, if the brother has not served as an elder or ministerial servant before; it is necessary to ask him:

    Have you ever been implicated in the sexual abuse of minors?”

    If he responds affirmatively to any of these questions, the appointment will not be announced and a form S-2 or the appointment letter S-52 will be returned to the branch with an explanation of why he does not satisfy the requirements. If the answer to all of the questions is “no,” his appointment will be announced during the next Service Meeting. There is no need to let more time pass before announcing the brother’s appointment.

    Your brothers,

  • jwfacts

    Thank you. That is a great help.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    After just reading this, I can only wonder how come I was able to tolerate such bull$h*t for as long as I did!


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