From Prison to Prosperity - new video

by cedars 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars

    Let no one say Witnesses don't catch people at their most vulnerable, or use love bombing.


  • zound

    From prison to prosperity to poverty.

  • Suraj Khan
    Suraj Khan

    Prosperity gospel is just as un-Christian as the Org, so I guess this makes sense.

  • maninthemiddle

    I wouldn't call this Prosperity gospel, at least it's not what many televangislst preach. in typical Wt speak properity here is not a refernce to Money.

  • clarity

    I like to see people do better, to be happier, to treat others



    Looking at this vid ... I am glad this guy got out and actually has a life.

    How could we not be happy about that ............ it all seems so rosey,

    but it is his future in that cult that will start to change, the teachings

    & control will wear him down & keep him down.

    Maybe he will realize that it is a crutch and become strong enough to

    walk without it!

    What ever he does, I wish him all the best.


  • d

    this tries to appeal to the emotions. I can sense the propaganda.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    This is the kind of story/marketing/promotional piece that makes me second guess myself, which hasn't really happened once I learned TTATT.

    They used a good looking man from a downtrodden existence that now has a better life, trying to treat his wife right And appealing social settings are depicted. (the get together's were a regular part of my life growing up, but I don't see that too much anymore, unless you into fit the "perfect" nuclear family mold)

    The I remind myself that if these two have children, what will they do when a child doesn't feel the way they do about "the truth"? Or, what if one of the people they've so inncoently welcomed into their home turns out to be a pedofile and abuses Their child...or the wife starts to have questions and no longer believes.

    It is easy to Make "the truth" sound appealing to the downtrodden. If only people wouldn't blindly believe and would research a new religion like they would a new car or electronics purchase.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    *CEDARS, sorry but have you checked your PM's?*

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