In the new "2013 New World Translation" that is now on page 43 !
Good to know what they consider to be the most important eh ?!
Also kind of funny are the articles at the back. They explain how the bible is super-duper accurate and has been preserved by careful copying throughout the centuries, transcribed letter by letter ... right after the bit where they explain how they re-wrote the words actually used to make the meaning 'clearer' (i.e. fit their doctrines)
I thought the bible was inspired and was written by god. So are they saying he wasn't really up to the task of writing it and they can now phrase things better?
Not only that but one minute they are claiming it's been perfectly preserved and the next that god's name was erased and they needed to add it back. You can't have it both ways - if something so important as god's name was apparently altered then how confident can people be of the rest of it?
How do witnesses who claim to believe the bible and hold it above all else reconcile their treatment of the scriptures?