I was reading this story about an Amish girl in Ohio whose parents wanted to use natural medicine to treat her cancer, but a court has ruled that the hospital can force chemo in this situation. It got me thinking about JW kids and blood.
Obviously, there are a ton of cases where hospitals have made a blood transfusion happen, despite the parents' wishes.
If you had been the parent whose kid had been "forced" to get a transfusion, would that have angered you? Or would you have secretly been relieved that it was forced, and your child's life was saved without you or them getting in any trouble? Also, when you were a devoted JW, would you have felt strongly about not getting blood for them because you really believed that doctrine, or would it partly be because you were afraid of getting in trouble with the church? And, not that anyone would know for sure, but how do you think the general JW populace would feel in this situation?