I'd like to ask if someone who's still active in the UK could possibly send me a hard copy of the NNWT via post please? Obviously I'll cover any costs. If you can help please pm me and I'll give you my address. I don't want to contact a JW in my local area to ask for a NNWT as I'll never get rid of them if I do that. Thanks in advance.
request For an active UK JW
by chrisuk 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
You know you can download it (pdf) from their website right?
Yes, thank you Simon. I've already got the pdf & the app I'd just like a physical copy to. I could get one from the guy I studied with but I don't want to take that road. Thanks again.
In a couple weeks when the new bibles are on general release walk into an out of town Kingdom Hall and go up to the literature counter and grab one. Don't forget to get suited and booted!
Thanks Aurellus, but I worry they'd spot me and pounce lol.
The Searcher
Thanks Searcher :)