I truly get it. This forum dissects everything from Watchtower. The Annual General Meeting was one of those things.
Of course I get that wild speculations would come out. And of course, I get that JWN posters will continue to dissect the new Gray Bible that I will call the NNWT.
But there was no general call to shun inactive members (faders). No reduction in printing announced. No meeting changes. There was no change yet in assemblies/conventions announced. No mention of lawsuits against WTS or any discussion of the sales figures on Brooklyn HQ, no financial discussion at all except maybe that they need help and money, especially money for their NY state HQ project.
Someone posted that all the promises will be fulfilled within "the millenium," a period of 1000 years. That's kind of like a Governing Body promising with a guarantee that all members get a golden ticket to paradise, but it won't show up until after they are all dead. The guarantee is useless/worthless.
It was interesting that they severely limited the number that could attend in the UK and many long-time members (especially elderly pioneer sisters) are royally pissed.
But really guys- it was a big nothing. A NNWT where they removed "ass" in favor of "donkey." I understand that many will feel the need to pick it apart and I may read a bit of that, but really- don't get all caught up in a book with more than a thousand pages looking for a lack of scholarship and manuevering toward doctrine enforcement. Of course there is no scholarship in it, of course it supports WTS doctrine.
But as for me, I am moving along.