IMHO it is a way of diverting people's attention from what is actually being said in the verse.
It is stating very plainly that willful, practicers of sin, will die! This is confirmed by Paul at Romans 6:23 - " For the wages sin [continuous & unrepentant] pays is [permanent] death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord."
There are two courses of action, and two outcomes; one cancels out the other. By accepting the terms and conditions of the New Covenant facilitated by Christ's ransom, ('this means my blood of the Covenant...on behalf of many'; 'Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world') repentant sinners can ask their heavenly Father for forgiveness, thereby being offered the gift of everlasting life. Rejecting the life-line of the Covenant and the ransom via Christ's rulership, will result in death.
The WTBTS try to use the aforementioned Scripture as confirmation of the spurious teaching that Romans 6:7 refers to a person literally dying. "You've paid the price of your sinful life, simply by croaking"! (they died with reference to sin - not life itself!)
Perpetuating such a corrupt doctrine totally ridicules the need for Christ's sacrifice, because it asserts that our own death wipes out our sins.
What a wonderfully demonic teaching to have people believe!