Their New Grey Bible- Why the change?

by Shanagirl 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shanagirl

    It's been awhile since I've been here, but I just checked in the other day and have kind of been lurking and reading. So, what's the purpose of the change in the JW NWT? Are they re-writing everything to go along with their new light? So what's the purpose, other that trying to scam more new ones into coming into their cult?


  • WTWizard

    Gray is the color of the most negative energy. And those scum at the top wish damnation on as many souls as possible--anyone else notice why they insist on drab, dirty colors for suits and other equipment? It would make sense that they would use gray on their LIE-ble as well.

  • JWOP

    I was told that they took out all the bracketed words because they didn't actually belong in the original manuscripts (and yet they kept the name Jehovah in the New Testament????!!!). They also wanted more "updated" language instead of the English of the 1950's. That's what's being told to the congregations, anyway.

  • Finally-Free

    This means the bible is now "a grey area". Anything it says can now be twisted to suit the WTS.


  • CyrusThePersian

    I think that the overarching reason for the new Bible and the public invitation to the Annual Meeting was to inject a little excitement into the rank and file. Too long have they been enduring bland conventions and lackluster new releases so they needed something "new" and "special" to liven things up.

    Not to mention that Armageddon still hasn't happened...

  • Mandette

    My mother said, "It's in a more simple language and more in line with the original writings." UGGGG!

  • honeybee78

    I heard that since the last translation, new scrolls have been found and so more translation has been made.

    Some of the things Ive come across (at my judicial last week) were the word FORNICATION is now something like sexual misconduct/behaviour. My dad also says the scripture about 'the gate leading to the broad and narrow path' is slightly differently worded too.

    In the UK they had ONLY people who were baptised more than 30 years and elders and their wives were invited to the local assembly hall to listen to a live public broadcast and they presented them their new bibles. I AM DISGUSTED by this.......

    WHY DIDNT THEY RELEASE IT TO EVERYONE AT THE CONVENTION? Why select only certain people? Are they saying that they are somehow BETTER than the rest of us???? Disgraceful for a religion that claims no superiority and rank within the organisation.

    I only noticed any of this since I stepped out of the bubble....Im 35 years old and I feel like a child seeing the world for the first time. Eye opening!

  • designs

    The new Wt. 'Bible Museum' will be a big tourist draw. $$$

  • eyeuse2badub

    Jah and the GB only love the English speaking brothers, so it seems. Since JW's are an American religion, I guess it makes sense to have a bunch of hoopla about a "SPECIAL" meeting and only the English speaking brothers get a "new" bible.


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