Never become “Enraged Against Jehovah"

by bytheirworks 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bytheirworks

    Today's August 2013 Watchtower Study... is it a deflection of anger toward the Governing Body?


    * The negative speech of others can influence us. (Read Deuteronomy 1:26-28.)

    * Hardships and difficulties may discourage us. (Read Isaiah 8:21, 22.)

    * We do not know all the facts

    * We shift the blame for our own sins and mistakes.

    * We become too self-centered.


    * Do not neglect your relationship with Jehovah.

    * Remember that Jehovah does not cause our problems.

    * Never doubt Jehovah.

    * Lay the blame where it belongs.

    What do you think?

  • ohnightdivine
  • Scott77

    * We shift the blame for our own sins and mistakes.

    * We become too self-centered.

    I think, the above is exactly what the WT is all about. For over the years, and in fact decades, the WT has shifted the blame for our own sins [i.e., lieing, false prophesies, murder in the name of blood transfusion, etc] and mistakes.


  • WTWizard

    Saying that joke-hova doesn't cause our problems is a blatant lie. Blaming Satan for them is about as sensible as blaming the people for the government shutdown for opposing the sick care act. If they weren't so hellbent on imposing a program that has already slashed people's work hours, is giving people grief when signing up for it, and has hidden language requiring microchips (in vague language in section 2521 of the law) and "approved treatment" lists, the people could have devised a more effective program. In fact, it would be simple: Ditch the requirement for a license to practice medicine (however, one could not lie and claim a medical license if they didn't have one). Then people could choose between the Official Treatments or an alternative and let the free market weed out the bad ones. Prices go down, the Rockefellerian crap goes off the market, and the product improves.

    Yet, it is this solution that is blamed for the shutdown. Ultimately, it will be used to blame the debt ceiling impasse, and subsequent bank holidays (which have absolutely nothing to do with the government debt ceiling) on. This is about how sensible it is to blame Satan for what joke-hova is doing. And in many cases, the washtowel itself is making the situation worse--giving all your money to the washtowel and then cutting back on income is precisely the worst thing you could do now when we don't know if/when the government shutdown is going to create the "bank holidays" and there is so much uncertainty about sick care and our energy security. Instead of preparing for bank holidays (and hyperinflation soon to follow), sickness insurance, and/or rolling blackouts and/or gas shortages, we are to waste money by giving it to that filthy organization? And then blame Satan? I don't think so.


    If you had the pleasure of hearing the watchtower today what a good way to cover their tracks right after the AM! So if their is any doubts they will scare it out of the rank and file! I have to give it to them they did their best to plan this out along with all the new light I guess it was to trya and stop the internal bleeding

    Now to the decoding I actualy noticed it right away today and never saw this before:

    When reading WT articles as the one sutudied today when you replace JEHOVAH with THE FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVEand GOD with GOVERNING BODY the article takes on a whole new light and I'm sure if you do this with all WT articles you will see the shocking wording! Try it! THE WAY IT READS YOU ARE ACTUALLY SERVING 8 MEN! SMH!



  • EndofMysteries

    I posted this on another relevant topic earlier today.......

    Never Become Enraged Against Jehovah The Governing Body

    (Watchtower study 7-13 October)


    4Is it really possible that we could become “enraged against Jehovah the Governing Body”? Surely to do so would be futile. (Isa. 41:11) What would we hope to gain? A poet once said: “Your arm’s too short to box with God.” We may never go so far as to vocalize a complaint against Jehovah the Governing Body. But Proverbs 19:3 says that a man’s foolishness “distorts his way, and so his heart becomes enraged against Jehovah himself.” Yes, a person can become enraged against God the Governing Body in his heart. This attitude could manifest itself in subtle ways. An individual could, as it were, hold a grudge against Jehovah the Governing Body. As a result, that person might withdraw from the congregation or not fully support arrangements for Jehovah’s the governing body's worship.


    11 We become too self-centered. The prophet Jonah had a problem with Jehovah’s merciful decision regarding Nineveh. (Jonah 4:1-3) Why? He apparently became too concerned about losing face when his proclamation of destruction did not come true. Jonah allowed concern over his reputation to overshadow any compassion he should have felt for the repentant Ninevites. Could we likewise become so self-centered that we become “enraged against Jehovah”the governing body for their false prophecy of the end coming sooner than was God's true timeframe? If we have been preaching for decades that Jehovah’s day is close because of the Governing Body's false prophecy, could we start to become impatient with Jehovah the governing body when others criticize us for proclaiming what the Bible governing body teaches?2 Pet. 3:3, 4, 9.


    15 What if we have a negative attitude toward our fellow worshippers? Under such circumstances, our relationship withJehovah the governing body and the organization can be affected. (1 John 4:20) When the Israelites questioned Aaron’s appointment and position, Jehovah viewed that action as murmuring against Him. (Num. 17:10) Similarly, if we were to start grumbling and murmuring about those whom Jehovah the governing body is using to direct their false organization, we could by inference be complaining about Jehovah. the Governing body!—Heb. 13:7, 17.

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