To any JWs watching and reading here, please know this...

by Muddy Waters 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    To any JWs watching and reading here, please know thiis:


    We know how you must be feeling so bad about being at a website like this, yet inside you are somehow questioning and not wanting to question... Relax right now.

    Your computer won't explode -- reassuring smile -- all you are doing is asking a question or seeking an answer... right? Isn't that how one gains knowledge, finds truth?

    No, I'm not Satan whispering from a tree. I am a sister, a sister who had questions too, when some things just didn't seem to add up or make sense. So I questioned. Very reluctantly and with huge amounts of guilt and fear... Aways remembering "where else could I go?? This is the truth." .... Isn't it? And so you feel frightened. Maybe you will run away right now because you recognize these feelings and thoughts and fear that Satan is getting to you.

    If so, that is fine... no worries. Keep seeking Jehovah's glory, his strength, his will, all the very good and wonderful things which do come out of "this organization".... And there are many good things. If you wish, drop by again to visit when you feel more comfortable or when another burning question or doubt comes up into your heart, because really, as a thinking person, you do require answers. Or explanations. Or just to reassure yourself and confirm your faith.

    But if you think there just might, might be something strange about the Org lately or the GB are sure elevating themselves above everybody else lately... then maybe you need to hear more ...

    You may be wondering if this is really the type of truth which Jesus taught, and is this really how people should live and believe and behave if they are true Christians...? What does the Bible say? Yes, it should all go back to the Bible, shouldn't it? The real question is... Does it?

    Much love,


    (Muddy Waters, actually... Chose that name when I first start questioning things, when the clear, clean, sparkling waters of "truth" began to feel so confused, so non-sensical, so ever-changing... so... muddy. It was a totally confusing time, but did, and does, get better!!)

  • Zoos

    Nice way to put it MW. I felt very awkward coming to this site the first time also.

    Okay, maybe the first dozen times.

    But the questions I had compelled me. Things were not adding up. I was reading one thing from the bible and experiencing something disturbingly different at the Kingdom Hall and out in service. I always chalked it up to my own spiritual weakness or inexperience and tried to let it go but it kept nagging at me.

    Imagine my surprise when the pieces began falling into place by reading information from websites the WT society always warned us against.


    "Let the reader use discernment."


  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Thanks, Zoos. :)

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Look! How can this be?

    So many faithful servants of Jehovah's organization, have come to realize the errors of the one true religion...

    Hopefully, you will be able to see the mutual respect and common ground that the people here stand upon. They don't all agree, but their experiences are similar, and they can relate to yours. When you are ready, you can comment and question here, without the fear of being disfellowshipped. There is no peace inside the Watchtower, but you can find comfort in the arms of strangers here. Follow your conscience.

  • whathappened

    I was terrified to join this board. I thought the Watchtower Society had moles here and that the guys in suits with book bags would come knocking at my doors within hours of joining JWN. Nothing happened, except that I was made to feel 100% sure that my decision to leave the Kingdom Hall was correct. You will learn tons about the "truth" here.

  • anonymouz

    It is very true, the whole thing is simply repeating in JWs as if Bethel was Jerusalem in 70 CE. And tat was not the first time a judgment fell upon men belieivng their leaders were somehow self-approved, even playing God as anyone in a position of oversight plainly knows GOD, not men, determines evil and faithful actuality in His own "slaves";

    How is it the fictional 1976 born "Governing Body" can out of the blue judge themselves as "faithful and discreet slave" 100 years after a divine judgment and before a final divine judgment makes such a determination?

    It actually sounds more like "they are lifting themselves over everyone" again, just as they did in 1976 when they overran and couped Bethel's individual leaders for this fictitous committe based "Lords of the Faith" role as some Biblical "supreme council" that is not found in the Bible but in 12 apostles and the "body of the Christ" which is NOT the GB, and which is NOT an add-on "governing" "body" plainly invented from secular sources (e.g. "board of directors") by smooth talking men getting fat on JW millions;

    Many, well some JWs and many others are seeing this 37 years of "GB rule" is polluted and corrupted wat was formerly a better arrangement with individual guides who ALL opposed "board of director" dictatorial power, for obviously good reason.

    More JWs are now aware of Bethel actually organized corruption, for no actual anointed or actual Christian men would simply let the whole place continue on in these various lawless processes, it has to be far worse and more purposeful than mere accidental oversight. How can a "board of directors" see a JW growth rate plummet from 10% pre GB highs to sub 1% lows of today and NOT see something is way way wrong?

    And now with almost 40 years of verifiable trends, statitisitics, scandals and dubious alliances now JWs have stumbled more people then there are JWs, and that is conservative!

    How is it JWs themselves have stumbled more people out of "the truth" than any other group on earth?

    The corrupted Governing Body leadership of a modern day Pharisaic Sanhedrin called Bethel is how. (2Thess 2:1-4).

    But it has all happened numerous other times preceding a divine judgment that ALWAYS catches God's people and the world "like a thief in the night", and this one will be upon that selfsame repeating principle. All the Governing Body indicates is a required divine clean out of THEMSELVES, not abused sheep;

    In my opinion it is going to be a big one, and it is going to go on for a while. The Bethel system is too big and too deeply corrupted for this to take place in say one year. But it will take place for no one on earth reproaches God and simply walks away unscathed in possession of "all his belongings". The GB is now plainly ridiculous actually, seemeingly, accelerating their own self revelation as completely corrupted actors merely parroting lines from 1930 over and over like modern-day Pharisees, and hoping no one notices.

    They are what tey call "brazen". Expect a reply from Christ shortly. (2Thess 2:8)

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