I just spent the last couple evenings reading James Zimmerman's book "Deliverance at Hand!" and I really enjoyed and related to it. I heard him a few weeks ago on The Thinking Atheist podcast and have been looking forward to the book since. Very down to earth, and shocking how similar my experience was to his. His wife's struggles near the end of the book particularly hit home with me. Anyways, it's an excellent read and I would recommend it highly to anyone who has left or is in the process of leaving. (The cover art/design is awesome by the way!)
Just read "Deliverance at Hand!" by James Zimmerman
by gbrn 1 Replies latest jw friends
Reading it now...good story and well written. I found Jame's website years ago and it helped on the whole Noah's flood issue when I was waking up to TTATT.
Website for the book:
Website on the flood and the letters he wrote to the WT Org: