I was in thinking mode this morning and since I am writing a roman based on a part of the genesis account I suddenly came to a weird sort of motive of the writer of Genesis. Going beyond a blogpost of Adamah about the true meaning of the tree of knowledge I come to the following conclusion:
The writer of Genesis wants to promote obedience at cost of knowledge
According to the Genesis account the male and female were created by Gods image (not totally though since they did not have the knowledge but that is a small inconsistency you need to get used to) according to the wellwritten blog of Adamah. Now something happens... the female wants to obtain the fruit of the tree. Now what was the fruit? Was it an apple or a pear? No... the fruit was "KNOWLEDGE" and "KNOWLEDGE" leaded to socalled SIN. Even TOUCHING it (or in case of knowledge TRYING to THINK) was lethal in the eyes of the writer.
Now... before they ate from that fruit they aparently where doing quite simple tasks now didn't they? They had to take care of the garden and the animals and they had to breed in order to get the species called "mankind" to multiply. No thinking involved too much there. The writer of the Genesis-account is stating that that is paradise. Just doing what is said you should be doing... skip the thinking.
Thinking further about that it is quite easy that the writer tries to discourage knowledge:According to the writer of Genesis KNOWLEDGE is the wedge between a beliefsystem in a DEITY and a beliefsystem WITHOUT a DEITY. It is the wedge that leads to destruction. That is at least what the writer is telling you.
A beliefsystem based on a DEITY leads to obedience and slavery... slavery to men who point to the deity and their beliefsystem (aka known as religion). A beliefsystem based on knowledge skips the deity and therefore the slavery to other men. The last version is not the version a ruler or a person with an agenda wants to happen since it means they have no attachments to these people and can not lead to taking them captives of their "power".
If we look further in the bible we see the same things:
Samuel is talking about "Obedience above sacrifices"
David is talking about that we are not able to follow our own footsteps
Paul is suggesting that filosophy is not idle
Etc etc etc.
The whole bible and especially the writer(s) of the bible are suggesting obedience to a beliefsystem and it started at the Genesis-account.