2 years zfter I moved into my dads apartment my sister moved to New Mexico. She came home for a long weekend. Since I was working 2 jobs and going to school Mom wanted to keep my son all weekend so my sister could spend as much time with my son as possiable. Durring the weekend my 2 year threw a temper tantrum. In the middle of his tantrum she asked him if mommy was taking good care of him. He screamed no and contiuned his tantrum. That was all she needed. When she returned to New mexico she called social services on me. This was the first of dozens of calls from her. Mom supported her decision. I would later find out that several doctors told my sister that it would be unlikely she would ever concieve a child of her own. My sister wanted my son as he was "blood" and she had no plans to adopt a child outside of blood. She was granted temporary coustody a few times but the courts saw through her BS and returned coustody back to me. The last time she called social services on me when we got to court the judge told her in no uncertian terms to leave me and my son alone and quit filling false reports about me. Finally! When my son was 7 moms doctors told her she had lung and brain cancer. When her doctors said the tumor in her brain was to deep to operate and radiation wasn't shrinking the tumor enough I knew she was terminal. No one will ever know how happy I was that she was dying and painfully at that. I love karma. She died exactally 4 months to the day the doctors said she had cancer. By this time I had moved out of my dads and into another boyfriends home. Man its so true about Germans and their tempers. He beat the crap out of me daily. I finally left him after a fight one night and instead of hitting me knowing it no longer affected me like it used to. He went into my sons room and woke him out of a dead sleep and beat the crap out of my son. I was gone the next day. Only took me 2.5 hours to get the U Hall, load it, drive it across town, unload it and return the U Hall. 7 days later he moved into the same complex 5 doors down. When I was packing up my stuff I found a letter mom had written my dad informing him that she took great pride in allowing the abuse and the hold she had over my dad knowing she could lock him up for it.
Why I can never escape abuse...part 2
by KariOtt 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
How I came into possession of the letter I'll never know. Over the year he live 5 door down from me he emotionally abused me every chance he got. When his lease was up the manager refused to renew his lease telling him that no one in the complex liked him and everyone loved me. YEA! He still followed me every chance he got. He even showed up at my graduation from nursing school. I have to brag that I graduated number 1 with a 99.6%. I have always known that I have a genius IQ. I can't spell for beans. Dyslexia. Anyway it took 2 more years of ex-boyfriends harrassments before he found someone else to abuse. I so wanted to tell her who he really was but it took to long to be free of him and I didn't want him back harrassing me. I had the phone company change my number 27 times in almost 3 years. I never knew what my number was anymore it had changed more often than people changed their underwear. I still feel bad I never told her. I was so far gone seeing no happiness in my future I attempted suicide. The state commited me to the state mental hosiptal. My dad had a feeling social services would come take my son away so he put him on a plane to Alaska to stay with my grandma. 10 minutes after my dad got home from the airport scoial services came for my son. Since my dad got him out of the state they had no athority to take my son. Great move on my dads part. I temained boyfriend free until I went into rehab to sober up. I was an extreamly high functioning alcoholic. By the time I was 9 years old I was substuting vodka for milk in my lunch box thermose.
Part 3 tomorrow
What a story... don't know what to say... except that you're an incredibly strong woman! Thanks for sharing your story
Oh my goodness, nursing! You know, Scully is a nurse, too. I'm going to recommend a book, "The Time Paradox" by Zimbardo. It helps put the past in perspective and I think would help you imagine an abuse-free future.
P.S. a good friend of mine who escaped from her abuser also made similar sacrifices. She got out with her three children, but had to leave a stepson behind. She went on to get a social work degree and it is a treat to see how her children have turned out. A strong, brave woman.