My husband said there was a post on here where it gave a scripture that was 'revised' using the phrase ''governing body''. Can any of you help me find the post or tell me the scripture? He thinks it was in the book of Romans or Acts.
Many thanks.
by QuestioningEverything 4 Replies latest jw friends
My husband said there was a post on here where it gave a scripture that was 'revised' using the phrase ''governing body''. Can any of you help me find the post or tell me the scripture? He thinks it was in the book of Romans or Acts.
Many thanks.
Not in a scripture, but they sneaked it into the contents page of the books of Acts.
Page 1459, in the highlights of Acts 15!
Ever notice how the org. never capitalizes 'governing body' (common noun) when referring to the 'so-called' first century 'governing body', BUT the term 'Governign Body' referring to the modern day dudes is now a proper noun, capitalized proper noun. How modest of them!
It is in the synopsis/outline of contents of Acts. It is quite sneaky because the term itself is not found in the scriptures itself.