What % of JW's would have a blood transfusion?

by jwfacts 8 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • jwfacts

    On the current thread about blood Simon made an interesting point that the stats are skewed because we don't know how many Jehovah's witnesses secretly accept blood. What are your thoughts about how high this figure may be, and did you or anyone you found out about ever accept blood?

    As a side note. Terry made an great point

    What parent actually believes Jehovah will forever condemn a child because the parent has agreed to medical treatment? Answer: NONE

    Why then do JW parents let their children die? Is it about themselves? Are they afraid it is them that will die as a result, or is it more the fear of being disfellowshipped.

  • ShirleyW

    What % of JW's would have a blood transfusion?

    More than you would ever think.

  • Daniel1555

    A sister I know is working as a nurse in a big hospital in switzerland. She said that she knows of many brothers and sisters who accepted blood.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Glad I never (so far) had to face the blood issue with or for my loved ones. I always thought I'd ok a transfusion and claim i caved under pressure. You know like Peter caved got forgiven and then got the keys to the kingdom.

  • Apognophos

    As a side note. Terry made an great point

    What parent actually believes Jehovah will forever condemn a child because the parent has agreed to medical treatment? Answer: NONE

    Why then do JW parents let their children die? Is it about themselves? Are they afraid it is them that will die as a result, or is it more the fear of being disfellowshipped.

    Although I've never been a parent, I don't know if I agree with this. I think some JW parents view with disgust the idea of a stranger's blood entering their child's body, as JWs feel in general towards blood, but with the added protectiveness that comes from the parent-child relationship. I could also see the parents worrying that somehow the child will be spiritually impaired for the rest of their life (getting less holy spirit, maybe) as a result of the transfusion. In other words, it's the basic fear of being tainted by taking in that blood.

    Besides that, your question presupposes that JWs are thinking rationally. People wouldn't be calling it a cult if its members thought rationally, would they?

  • NewYork44M

    I would suggest that at that absolute critical moment of the decision of live or death well over 50% of witnesses would accept blood.

    That being said, it depends upon the circumstances. Even as an ex, I requested that blood not be administered to my jw father who was near "end of life." My request had no meaning other than a level of respect for his beliefs.

    So, my suggestion of a percentage really relates to crisis situations.

  • NewYork44M

    The other issue related to this, especially as it relates to parents and children who need blood. I suggest that many, if not most, will willingly defer to a higher authority. They are probably hoping for a decision that is out of their control so that their child lives and they are able to maintain their congregational status.

  • 3rdgen

    Some years ago the wife of the PO in our cong had a blood transfusion. Even though it was common knowledge this occured neither she or her husband had any announcement made about them or priveledges removed. The excuse they circulated was that their daughter had given permission without their knowledge. Mind you, nobody believed a word of it because they never took any action against the daughter, the doctors, or the hospital. The PO was a "good 'ole boy" with other rumors about him, not the least of which, was incest. When the CO leaned on him a little he simply moved (temporarily) then returned a couple of years later when it was all forgotton. He is still an elder!

  • 3rdgen

    In response to Newyork: I agree! My Elder realative had a baby who was born needing a blood transfusion. The baby was made a ward of the court as is now routine in these cases. The elder told me more than once how GLAD he is that the decision was taken out of his hands because the baby is alive and well.

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