Moses led enslaved Jews out of bondage in Egypt to promised reward.
Moses went up on the mountain (Sinai) and the people waited, ran out of faith and made an idol (Golden Calf) to worship.
Those people thought they needed a centralized worship focused on the visible. They constructed their own.
The last centralized focus of worship, the temple in Jerusalem, brought Jews from everywhere to focus on one location.
When that was destroyed, they scattered and ran for the hills.
The true believers who replaced the Jews (spiritual Jews) banded together and concocted the Church universal (catholic)
to centralize a theocratic government.
About 1,500 years of corruption followed and Protestants brought cataclysm, reform and then--they turned around and
began inventing religious denominations.
Does God dwell in a Golden Calf? Does God dwell in manmade temples? Does God dwell in a centralized universal church?
Does God dwell in denominations?
God is this and God is that and God is many opinions uttered by many mouths bound and determined to be right.
Jehovah's Witnesses are just another phase of the same old/ same old urge.
They centralize authority in the worship and loyalty to their own version of THE GOLDEN CALF: the anointed Governing Body.
What is their craving? It began the same way as the Jews waiting on Moses to come down from Sinai.
They got impatient and built their idol. The Bible Students substituted an INVISIBLE JESUS which Rutherford and his
ragged band of Golden Calf worshippers continue to worship to this very day. But, since they need something visible to fix their very weak and impotent faith upon, they have Bethel and the Governing Body.
At first, RELIGION was the snare and the racket. The WTS was a Society and an Organization pure as the driven snow.
Oops! To get non-tax status, Jehovah's Witnesses had to turn the "organization" into a RELIGION!
So, they doctored the complaint to read differently: they used [bracket] substitution to fool the unwary.
[FALSE] RELIGION is a snare and a racket.
This means they are TRUE [religion] which is somehow not "religion" but mere TRUTH.
How do we know the Governing Body is the modern day GOLDEN CALF?
What is set apart is holy and the GB are to be obeyed without hesitation or mental reservation.
What is holy cannot be criticized. The GB must never be criticized!
To speak out against what is holy is to blaspheme and to blaspheme is to suffer cutting-off and a curse!
Those who speak out against the [Golden Calf] Governing Body are disfellowshipped and labeled APOSTATE.
Jehovah's Witnesses could not wait for the Messiah to return so they turned to the man-made invisible Jesus
and his purported VISIBLE government: the Governing [Golden Calf] Body of anointed, kings and priests.
They are currently enjoying ruling over the earth in the invisible 1000 year reign which began (according to them)
in 1975 when 6,000 years of human existence came to an end.
While their claims to truth are just as invisible as their Jesus--almost 8 million Calf Worshippers
bow to the wishes of the elder "glorious ones" gleaming like gold itself.
And the rest of us?
We just stand here watching them cavort in an orgy of self-congratulations as they
spread golden cow manure door to door. Their generation that will never pass away is just as invisible
as the milky teat of white bread senior citizens who rope, throw and brand them with the
branding iron: JW dude ranch.