Some of my DF'ing

by gsx1138 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • gsx1138


    I was DF'd for committing fornication. I had already started to figure out that the religion had some serious flaws but that didn't stop me from feeling like all my misfortune was brought on by my disobedience to God. Thought I would share some highlights of the actual "sentencing". The female that I was involved with, Tawnya Landry, now Tawnya Crabtree all but did nothing during her hearing. I went the other route. All of this is paraphrasing and drawn from my memory of an event 12 years ago.

    me.."I came here to tell you that I've been having sex with Tawnya."

    them."I see, you knew already she had been punished for fornicating
    with someone else, correct?"

    me.."yeah, I knew. He was my friend at one time."

    them."So how often did you engage in relations with her?"

    me.."I'd say in about a 6 month period we've had sex over 40 times."


    them."Ummm, that's 40 individual times or multiple times in one night?"

    me.."That would be 40+ seperate encounters ranging from my car, her car and her work. I didn't think it was nessecary to state the multiple times during each encounter because that would be above 100. Even that is pretty low because it's so hard to find any place were we wouldn't be interrupted."


    them."I see. I don't think I even have that much sex with my wife."
    OK, I swear he said this. I almost started laughing.

    them."Were there any other acts committed during this time? Other than intercourse?"

    At this point I figured I could tell them to get on with it but decided to entertain them.

    me.."Well let's see, she went down on me a few times. But it took some convincing to do that."

    them."You mean she had oral sex with you and you had to convince her to do it?"

    me.."yeah, I just kinda figured that since we were already having intercourse that goin down on me wouldn't be that much of a leap."


    Them."You don't seen very repentent. Is there anything you'd like to say in your defense?"

    me.."I knew the outcome of this before I came in here. If you want me to say I didn't enjoy it I would be lying. If you want me to say I'm sorry for doing it, I don't know if I can. It is what it is a weakness on my part."

    At this point they dismiss me to "discuss" the matter. Thing is the walls in my KH were paper thin and I could hear everything they were saying. They didn't even weigh anything, of course my case was pretty open and shut, all they could do was talk about me having sex with her over 40 occasions. They discussed it for about 5 minutes laughing amongst themselves until they called me back in and dispensed with the DF'ing.
    In all honesty I was not even near being repentent. She got busted for having sex with her now Husband, Jacob Crabtree, before she ever hooked up with me. You know her big concern? Losing her friends and family. God never even entered into the picture. Anyway, that is my story. It's funny now but back then I didn't think so regardless of my attitude.

    Dear Lord, please save me from your followers.

  • Imbue

    Well, the way you tell this story now it is funny...LOL Although, I'm sure it wasn't at the time.

    Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • Leander

    wow 40 times, you guys must have been going at it non stop

  • zanex

    damn dude LOL u REALLY gave em all the info they needed..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA it sux goin through it but lookin back its pretty funny.

  • Elsewhere

    DAMN! I need to get me a good JW chick too!

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Prisca
    them."Ummm, that's 40 individual times or multiple times in one night?"

    ROTFLOL @ this one....

  • Elders_Kid

    One good thing about a JW chick: When they scream out "Oh God!", they really mean it!

  • rmayer32

    I like your attitude towards it. I'd have loved to see the look on their faces. LOL


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