MY spiritual journey has led me to agnosticism, I really have a hard time believing that the Bible, with so many contradictions and errors, and worse, with so many people trying to change its contents and who have actually achieved it, can be God's Word.
I personally believe that I should just "do what I do" and live by the motto "YOLO" (kidding)...
No but really, I believe that I should just try to use my common sense to determine if something is right or if it is wrong. With that, many things are simplified. Opening the door for someone that walks by? GOOD Murder? Theft? BAD... I mean, HELLO!! Doesn't take many brain cells to figure those things out!!
Anyways, enough of a rant...
Yesterday I had time with my dad, my mom was away, and so I wanted to have a "Family TTATT study" ;)
I started with inviting him to watch "Worlds Apart"... but he said he didn't like the movie 10 minutes in, it made him feel uncomfortable.
So I said, OK, let me show you some stuff. So I asked him, "Dad, do you think it is OK to be "united in error" or should we seek out the TRUTH?"
He said, "of course, seek for the truth!"...
Then I said, "But what REALLY happens with the JW's?"
He said, "We are united in error"...
Me: So, remember what we talked about the other day? When did we teach that the "Last Days" had started back in the 1920's?
Dad: 1800's?
Me: 1799 to be exact.
Dad: Can you show me where we said that?
Me: Sure. Here in the book "Harp of God", which was published in Spanish in 1930, we will see this.
Dad: Ok
Me: (Show him the book, start reading)
Dad: Wow, so Napoleonic Wars proved the beginning of the Last Days?
Me: Yep, and see all the inventions that "proved" the Last Days. Also look at the stuff that "proved" Jesus's Presence in 1874. Also notice that the Kingdom was said to be established in 1878.
Dad: (Chuckles in disbelief when reading, chuckles at how stupid it seemed)
Me: So, what were we preaching in 1927? "Truth," or "Error"?
Dad: Error.
Me: So, if I had been there at that time, and didn't agree with the doctrine and got kicked out, do you think that would have been fair?
Dad: No, it wouldn't have been.
Me: (Proceeded to explain Russell, Rutherford, and how Rutherford totally changed most of the doctrines in the 1920's... talked for a very long time. Dad knows about vaccination, the organ transplants, etc...)
Anyways... long story short, on many things I can convince my dad that the JW's at least WERE wrong. I got worried and said, hey, why don't you just rip your blood card? What if you get into an accident in the next couple of days and you need something?
He got real uneasy, and said... no...
"Dad, really?? They got it wrong with the vaccinations, they got it wrong with the organ transplants, and they've got it wrong with the blood!! Remember, they really allow 98% of it! Can't you at least put in there that you accept all fractions?"
Dad: No.
So I guess our next TTATT family study will be why JW's got it wrong on blood, Biblically, and why JW's got it wrong on disfellowshipping, Biblically.
I will need to do some research!!