God and Big Foot(Sasquatch) have what in common?

by jam 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    They are both so elusive. Bin Laden was good but he doesn't come

    close to God and big foot. If they ever capture Sasquatch the military, CIA

    needs to interview this creature and get some pointers. By far the

    world greatest hide and seeker.

  • snare&racket

    Only crazy red neck Americans have seen him in the last 2000yrs ?

  • jam

    Come on snare, you don't believe in Big foot. LOL

    People have been looking for Jesus for 2000 years.

  • Finkelstein

    Answer = they are both idealogical myths derived from human imagination and emotive theory.

    What they don't have in common is one is a supposed biological being and the other is a super natural being.

  • snare&racket

    Shout out for the POWERFUL Joe Rogan and Duncan Trussel,

    Peace Out x

  • cantleave

    All the most credible "big foot" hair samples have been DNA tested and they all come back as known species.

  • KateWild

    Cantleave-Yes Big Foot evolved, hard evidence you have I suspect. where is this DNA evidence? On a psychic website LOL!

    Honestly though perhaps it was a known species and very interesting, send the link over cantleave lets have a read. God is just as credible to me as well.

  • cantleave
  • Finkelstein

    If there every was a creature such as this, it now would in the ground fossilized extinct..

    Sasquatch doesn't exist = no evidence of any skeletal remains, no evidence of group of this creature as in babies, females and so forth.

    If there were to be a species like this, it would be similar in habitation as gorillas or monkeys in their structural social behavior environment.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Ha ha, "sashquatch killer" shot at mummy bear and killed her baby bear, yet cant tell the difference between that and an 8 foot hairy hominid.

    Smoke dope much? would have been one of my questions for that idiot.

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