I guess the proper food at the right time on new ways for preaching was taken from the russellites. years ago I remember seeing them in flea markets, etc, w/ their booth set up. Now suddenly the watchtower org is doing the same thing.
JW 'cart preaching' trend copied from the russellites
by EndofMysteries 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There are modern day Russelites still around? I have never seen any. I would love to meet some.
I know where the trollies are set up in my area. I have never been the whole time I have been df'd, but I have heard they are manned by JWs who chat amoungst themselves and are not interested in passersby.
I suppose I could go and see for myself how they are doing in my area
Kate xx
The Bible Students used marketing methods that were common in their day to get 'the message' out - leaflets, newpaper ads, lecture tours, etc. Later Rutherford added the 'sound' car, phonograph, radio, sandwich boards and ramped up magazine production.
Think of the newspaper boy on a street yelling 'extra, extra, read all about it!!'.
Data-Dog Google 'International Bible Students'. These are independant groups that are 'decendants' of the original Bible Students who split (or were disfellowshipped) from the WT Society when J. F. Rutherford took control.
The term "Russellites" was coined and used by those that remained loyal to Rutherford. It was used as a derogatory label. Soon after Rutherford became president of the Society, he also banned beards at Bethel. Wearing a beard implied that a man was fashioning himself to look like C.T. Russell.
Of course the beardless tradition continues today in the WT organization.
dog is god
There are a group of Bible Students here in Seattle.
Just saw a booth not an hour ago in town. Hidden back off the footpath, chatting amongst themselves. I bought a coffee and watched. Not only did they not speak to anyone, they were invisible to passerbys. People literally stopping and standing in front of them without so much as a glance. Hilarious.
Googling "Bible Students" willl get you many sites of the independent groups. Some are no longer in existence by many are out there, meeting together and "preaching" in their own way. They do have regional conferences with more than one group gathering together and exchange speakers on Sundays. I know that they go online, have their own websites, and new members will move if they cannot find a local group. The ones I have talked to make it clear that Jehovah's witnesses were not founded by Russell but Rutherford. The ones I talked to (over 100) were almost all never jws, not ex-jws, 3 to 4 generation Bible Students. Their conferences are online.