Those "responsible" would be those who would benefit from crippling and delaying Asian economic development which in time equates to world power development because nationalism always leads to violence directed against "those responsible", who actually create the development by engineered dissent that crystallizes into defiance and internal division, not actually any real unity.
Thus like Nazi Germany, the system in time becomes divided and self defeating, while appearing unified and beneficial. The goal is not to destroy Asia, well not too much, but to delay their development and perceived efforts to resist the Anglo-American internationalist (not nationalist) based world government to go into overt development in the next decade.
In this way, upon a divided Asia, in a situation where Asia cannot have national or alliance prosperity internally and fight an anti globalist empire at the same time, Asia will be drawn into a limited world war of unique design along with Russia (and others), in hot, warm or cold context, in monetary and military arenas in time. At some point in the process, aided by engineered tribulation in various forms, Russia and Asian soon to be fully financially compromised national power systems, will have to not only join a UN based world government extension, they will voluntarily surrender all national "power and authority" to the Anglo internationalist based world government. (Dan11:42-43 aids Rev17:11-17 culminations over the next decade).
Any religious, ideological or national ripples that start to form, are first to affect the national sand castle it appears to originate from, but actually comes from external shores to begin weakening, not strengthening, the target. By these various points of turbulence sold to the national people as unity, freedom, etc, we can know who the targets of the next ten years will be by this initial tenderization. (and it is all nations as national autonomous sovereigns) It is obvious the Asian economic trajectory needs to be flattened out a bit to smooth out the overall process and transition to international authority as world government actuality. But even the Anglo-American national systems have been targeted by international Anglo-American super-corporate and finance interests, and must be the actual catalyst of the initial engineered plunges that will underpin Asia's coming economic "normalization" to assist the transformation to world governmental power as an actual government infrastructure utilizing former national power systems to effect the objective of that world government.
Globalizing a financial and monetary system designed by these internationalists already, upon the enormous national debt and liability falters globally, will greatly aid the transition process of ultimate control of these nations' national economies first (Dan11:42-43), to facilitate the rest of the transformation process later (Rev17:11-17; Rev16:13-16) and that is a ten year initial process aided by a continuation of the world war "global war on terror" in some form, to be eventaully resolved by design, as world "peace and security" (1Thess5:1-3) to aid the positive and hopeful effect of a "freedom from care" (Dan8:25 parallel Dan11:44-45) to fully present an initially fully functioning world government with a UN international forum "conference room" as part of the overall "scarlet wildbeast" internationalized actual ruling governmental system at global scale.
What is to start soon is just the beginning, and it will result not in "the end of the world" (though there will be a global tribulation, it is temporary), but in a world recovery to again aid the world government process, but now to fourth rendition completion, by resolving a world war and tribulation (Matt24:29), like the three world wars including the cold war before it, to present 8th Kingdom world sovereignty and statements of world rulership as world "peace" and security. Everyone nationally will have fallen into line to kiss the 8th King's internationalized feet, including Russia and all of Asia.
(any dissent is being handled in the "attack" mode of Dan11:44 parallel Dan8:25, "DURING a freedom from care" as one-sided, uni-polar final 8th King world government and world military stabilizing operations projected for probably another 10 years by that time of final touches and burning off any loose ends performed by world sovereignty power, not national required subservience to it.)
[By the way, Bethel's finances and corporate network will be going down (Dan8:13) "absorbed" in the context of Daniel 11:42-43 financial globalization process beginning in earnest soon.]
Every world war development since 1914, has resulted in a UN related presentation in 1919, 1945 and 1990 (Dan11:29-31). This final world cycle will also result in a final presentation as UN centered, multi-nationally based world government but in complete form in this fourth cycle. And that cycle takes several years to finalize.