"Work every dollar received, to the best advantage, AS SPEEDILY AS POSSIBLE"

by Terry 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Think of all the real estate the Society has acquired over the years. Think of all the investment portfolio folders bulging with funds.

    Got a picture in your head?

    Now read some excerpts from Zion's Watchtower of April 1893 in the words of Pastor C.T. Russell:

    . . ."This is a business association merely. It was chartered as a corporation by the state of Pennsylvania, and authorized to hold or dispose of property in its own name as though it were an individual. It has no creed or confession. It is merely a business convenience in disseminating the truth.
    . . ."The Society owns nothing, has nothing, pays no salaries, no rent or other expenses. Its policy is to use in the work every dollar received, to the best advantage, and as speedily as possible."

    Russell concluded:
    "The latter imagine there must be great wealth connected with the concern, whereas there is really very little. Few of the friends of this cause are able to do much financially; but what money there is, under economy and the divine blessing, is like the widow's cruise of oil: it accomplishes about a hundred times as much as other Tract Societies, which spend most of their receipts upon salaries."

  • nonjwspouse

    "Its policy is to use in the work every dollar received, to the best advantage, and as speedily as possible."

    This very objective is the govenment's objective ( best advantage is left up for debate of courde) . Plus never to have anything left over, but to always have a deficit so as to have a reason to ask for more.

  • anonymouz

    Well that is like comparing Russell to the Bethel Pharisees of today. There is no comparison as to good intentions and Bible obsessive interest Russell did have, and Bethel of today lacks, and it is obvious (Rev2:2);

    There is no comparison with the first century Christians and today's JWs, there is even no resemblance to 1940s JWs, the entire religion, it focus, it's UN allainces, it's financial setups, all of it indicates it is another religion entirely, and not a Christianity of it's first reformation attempts.

    Modern Bethel merely uses the past, with Bible truths they desecrate, as a cover for the modern "operation of error" that has now successfully deformed the reformation, by gradual strategy, into a United Nations annex, even covering up obvious globalization "King North" prophecy from Daniel 11:27-45 as a non-existent USSR and "it's a mystery brothers" "King North" in general, that must be 8th King from 3rd (Dan11:31b) to 4th UN placement progress at Daniel 11:42-45 coming up.

    Thus JWs also lack truth, veneered with past "truth", and instead promote lies and purposeful "8th Kingdom" globalization process ignorance of developments that will take a number of years to even globalize world finance and monetary systems in national disarray into an international administrative "rulership" (Dan11:42-43).

    Instead what Ron Paul and David Rockefeller (and many other experts in various disciplines) plainly state as a multi-year process of required financial globalization first (not Paul's desire for a global sovereignty in this regard), that of course guides all former national "power and authority" later (Rev17:11-18) for years to come unto an actual 8th King world government, JWs and Bethel sells as the ignorance "it can end any day now brothers!!".

    It can end any day now for Bethel, not the world system in general. The world will go on for years, must complete the globalization processes in finance, government and military, and that will take an approximate decade, a world war resolved (global war on terror and continuations) for world "peace and security", and full 8th King vocalization (1Thess5:1-3) as UN centric but far more expansive actual worldwide government as an actual functioning multi-nationally and trans-nationally based international world power.

    Even high school students are understanding globalization basics, thus Bethel's dodo bird impression is for maximum ignorance effect on JWs and their audience, not on the Bethel CEOs who as a trans-national corporate billion dollar plus complex of globalization itself, fully understand the actual globalization process basics and even advanced theory. They know Bethel is going down when Daniel 11:42-43 truly activates, and JWs organizationally will be hit for 100s of millions into organizational dysfunction, because it is not Christians who run and own the JW worldwide organization.

    We know by 40 years of rotten GB "board of directors" fruitage what is really going on. This cannot just be a big oversight at the levels of intelligence in global understanding required to manage this billion dollar wealth egg worldwide. The external impression is as well engineered as everything else internal to a Bethel grand compromise. The covert UN NGO is an indication what kinds of actual operation is at work in Bethel's fallen ministry. (Rev8:10-11). Like boiling a frog, JWs were lulled by the comfortable spa like atmosphere, gradually developed and engineered, and now it is too late for the org, and many JWs stuck in it's web. (literally; WT 11/15/13 pg. 20, par. 17, #3).

  • Finkelstein

    That little insignificant charlatan Russell would faint knowing his little Corporation (WTS.) would now be

    worth over a billion dollars in total world wide assets.

    I really don't think that was HIS initial intent upon reflecting what he wrote in his Will.

    It became more of Rutherford's intent though, that this publishing company he inherited from Russell would grow

    exponentially in power and wealth while he was control of the WTS.

    Rutherford took that little publishing house and turned it into shinning example of Americanized Charlatanism.


    Yep, there is always a deficit. JEHOBO is always looking for a hand-out...

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