I downloaded that app (the official thingy) that they call a "library". I'm sorry but where I come from a library contains loads of books. This has a few translations of the Bible? That's not a "library" its a Bible. Have you noticed how all the "drones" are saying how superb it is and daren't give an honest opinion of it? Makes me both mad and laugh at the same time. Morons. xxx
Crap App
by outinthemeadows 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
New Bible Study App JW Library
On October 7, 2013, Jehovah’s Witnesses launched the Bible study app JW Library. This new app enables users to read the 2013 revision of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures and five other Bible translations, including the American Standard Version and the King James Version. Future upgrades will enable users to download and study Bible-based books, magazines, and brochures.
From jw.org ---> http://www.jw.org/en/news/headlines/?v=2552828400
You should be patient this is just the beginning.
The lies and deceiving corruption of this organization have been written by the WTS by its leading executive writers (GB).
Why would you immerse yourself in that. ......
If you haven't noticed the fraudulent commercialization of this publishing company you probably never will.
I agree it's not quite a library, but I do like the format. I love being able to quickly compare the NWT against other Bibles. I used to use e-Sword for this, but the NWT was not easily available for it as a plugin. The JW Library is going to be more useful to us than the WTBTS intended and may have plenty of unintended consequenses. Any app that
They will be adding more to it so that it is more of a Library. I imagine this will eventually replace our Wt Library CD since this will give them more control over deleting old light. But honestly, I probably won't use the new publications they add anyways. The older books are the real gems, but you'll never find them on any Wt website or application. It'd be too incriminating.
On a side note, I got this working on my Kindle the other night, so I'm happy about that.