The JW religion is so against any members who they think are apostate against their beliefs. If any member even questioned current beliefs or speculated that scriptures could mean something else, then they would de DF'd as an apostate.
The Governing Body makes changes in JW doctrinal beliefs all the time. Why are they not DF'd for apostacy?
A previous GB comes up with the doctrine, which they say they were lead to believe & understand by holy spirit. JW's are DF'd if they disagree.
Then later, different GB members start questioning current beliefs or spectulates that the scriptures mean something else. Then, once 2/3 of the GB members votes on a change in doctrine, there is a change in doctrine. Any GB member dissenters who do not vote on the change obviously do not believe the new understanding. Would they not now be an apostate? You would think all doctrine changes would have to be 100% unanimous, so no one is exposed as an apostate. Then again, you would think anyone who suggests changing doctrine would be exposed as an apostate.
This is insane. They are just as apostate as anyone else who questions or speculates JW beliefs & doctrine.
Why would Jehovah have them believe one truth, then change it to mean something else? That is apostacy also.
The whole JW religion is one progressive man-made convoluted apostacy against itself.