since last week JW all over the world study the new brochure "Who are doing jehovahs will today "
While my first curiosity was, how they will now explain the FDS, there is nothing specific in this chapter.
However, in this weeks discussion, there is the following statemant found in lesson 3:
The time came for Jehovah to reveal the truth. He foretold that during ‘the time of the end, the true knowledge would become abundant.’ (Daniel 12:4) In 1870 a small group of truth-seekers recognized that many church doctrines were not Scriptural. Therefore, they began searching for an understanding of the Bible’s original teachings, and Jehovah blessed them with spiritual insight.
Wait a moment, according to the new light, the FDS was only established after 1918/19. What is his basic assignement ? To receive Jehovahs insight/blessing/guidance and to publish it to others.
How come this already happened with them in 1870 ? Did somebody up in heaven leak some information too early ? Is a Julian Assange among the angels perhaps ?
It really does not make any sense, but nobody as usual even thought about that, while it was discussed.... sad...