Was wondering if the preaching work will end soon haven't they preached all over the earth yet?
by pinkygal 6 Replies latest jw friends
Yes. The end is very near. Doncha know?
the preaching work was supposed to be done by the year 2000, some one forgot to tell all of them to stop i guess.
Faithful Witness
They need to give those deserving ones a chance to become JW's before armagedddon destroys us all.
Apparently the "preaching work" as part of the whole JW "constant feature" will soon end, but due to Daniel8:12-13 Bethel abominations parallel to the Dan11:30b-31 profanations.
The self-incrimination already programmed into those sequences is why Bethel diverts those prophecies to WW2 impossible fictions that JWs accept like sugar.
In my opinion Bethel itself will say "the preaching work has ended" as part of their final mission as they flee the sinking ship and the ministry will sink with it. Temporarily...
I think there is more to the Bethel real story than JWs or others put together on first impressions. A nest egg like Bethel's would also be hard to pass up, and it's naive JW chicken coop guard only makes it more tempting, even back in 1950 before it expanded to today's globalized religion.
As far as Christian actual prophecy, theoretically a clean preaching work never ends, even in Rev 14 appeal is still being made, and by Matt10:23 statement Christ finishes his own ministry as promised after the Dan12:7 period through the Dan12:11 period. (That Daniel 12:11 "constant feature" removal is not the profaned one of Dan8:13, because it would theoretically be the Rev11:7 parallel removal, as Daniel 11:44 would connect into Dan12 "during that time" as Daniel 11:42-45, and into those timed periods of Daniel 12:7 and 12:11 as a Daniel 12:11 final fulfillment world government 8th King would also place final "disgusting thing")
According to JWs' own theology that they are now trained to ignore, the Revelation 11:7 "wildbeast" "ascension from the abyss", is a Rev17:8-11 principle parallel to a final UN placement as thus Rev11:7 is connectible in more ways than one to Daniel 12:11.
Daniel 12:7 and 12:11 implied time period after Daniel 8:13-14 commencement period implies it does NOT "end any day now brothers!", as JWs instead imagine a premature and ambiguous end. Although JWs were once great proponents of prophetic replication, and types and anti-types, and such repeating and significant signals and patterns, they do not apply what would be the greatest replication and significance to the climax cycle, instead as per Bethel brainwash they sell an over-simplified "it simply ends brothers" farce.
They also state "attack begins with Babylon the Great brothers!", but according to JWs' own further ignored rules, the attack begins with "God's house" (1Pet4:17; Eze9:6) upon the counterfeit latest profanation as Bethel, as of course according to JW rules, Christendom cannot be tried twice for the same 1919 League of Nations endorsement crime, but Bethel can be tried for their recent UN NGO replication of that spiritual adultery.
So very very strangely, a number of obvious replicative smaller principles in final form are right at Bethel Lawless Central, but are red flags of replication simply ignored by JWs (which repeats the age old pattern of blindness), as JWs who used to scour all creation and current events looking for such patterns are now oblivious to things obvious. Thus the big pattern overall is also not recognized.
And if the formula is replicating to this degree already in JWs, it really should just continue to replicate as time goes on like unwinding DNA, the master pattern is already built for the replication right at the Bethel mutatnt cell, as JWs must then repeat the final mistakes as well. Their lack of overall awareness and tunnel vision makes it all the more likely.
It's not two Bethel's forming, LOL, it is that Bethel is the mutation that "can end any day now", not the overall world system that still has a final world government to fully globalize, and that too is not an overnight process, but takes a decade or so.
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The end came in 1975, so I was certain that's when the preaching work stopped, too. What! Are we still in the old system/order? Oh, no!