Kind of new for me, but I have been letting go of being in fear of posting what I feel on FB. I have been posting links to very good videos on YouTube that show the history of the cult. Funny thing my one cousin posted how he missed a person who passed and that that god only takes the best to be with him. I did not post anything neg. as its his right to believe in god or whatever. He was not being obnoxious or pushing any line of belief on others. One of my other cousins, who is a Dubber, posted that it’s a shame that people blame god for bad experiences, blablabla, condescending crap. I posted directly to her on his link how JWs are wrong, have never been right and a few other things, Her sister [flesh] came on and said how people who do not believe in god are fools blablalbla. I proceeded to knock her on everything front he flying spaghetti monster to aliens being just as reasonable as talking snakes and men living in the belly’s of fish as how we as a species came to be on this planet. That I can not prove god does not exist but that I also cannot prove that a golden tea pot is not orbiting Pluto but I doubt it. Has anyone ever exposed them self on FB as Apostate to other Dubbers? I don't think they can do much because there is no way to prove who is actually doing the typing.
Fighting JWs on Facebook
by dogon 7 Replies latest jw experiences
I deactivated my account after hubby went postal over a post I made. This was the 2nd social site I have left due to hubby. I can't express myself anywhere but JWN. I miss it. It was the main source of entertainment for me as I live in a rural setting. Closest shopping is 25 miles away. Just wonder how long it will take before he starts to bitch about all the TV I am now watching.
Julia Orwell
I put a lot of wt quotes and general information without commentary designed to get JWs thinking, but instead it earned me abuse and unfriendings. Even from people I've known for years and I thought were close friends. It's better just to unfriend them and cut them away yourself. It's easier. Believe me, the things I had on Facebook brought the god squad to my door to sniff out apostasy, yet no one actually said to my face at that stage that they'd been bothered by my posts...I got the full inquisition fromt the elders. Better just to unfriend any JW you can.
Suraj Khan
I accepted FB requests from my believing younger brother and youngest little sister. My brother has been cool (and moderate, even tolerant) but my sister was full-on uber mode. I found it best to just de-friend my sister rather than irritate her further and elicit more hateful screeds.
People need to realize that friending or defriending on FB is not the end of the world. Some of my best real life friends are not friends on FB. Unfortunately some people conflate the two, which is frustrating and sad.
I really don't have any JW friends. We just have family who over lap. It was a cousin who I am friends with that is a Christian in a regular church and posted a thing about god taking the very best to be with him, and he is friends with some of the bastards who are family that are JWs. I can then read their comments because of the overlap. I don’t now nor will I ever care about but those fuck tards. LOL Can I call them fuck tards? Well I did. Anyway, What the hell are they going to do? not talk to me more? LOL I decided to not hide it as much as I used to. I also moved to Fla, and had an elder from my North Michigan cong, come knocking at my door. He did not remember me and I said I knew him. I should have let it slide. Now they know where I am but I don't think it matters as if any one does come they will be asked to leave post haste. KariOtt, I would set up a facebook and other outlets with alias names. Don't tell your husband you post if he has to be so controlling.
dogon.... I told hubby a few days ago that I was going to re-activate my account and delete all shared friends and family and that would include him. He seemed hurt that he was going to be included in the deletion list. I need to get my laptop out as I have over 200 to delete and the process will go a lot faster using the laptop than my tablet. I don't know why he's hurt over being deleted. It was him that went postal after my answer to a friend who I have known since kindergarten as to why hubby could'nt attend by baptism into my non demonational christian church last month.
I got removed from Witness's FB friends because when they posted about how happy they were about the new Bible, I posted some reality and they didn't like it. That is how it is with Witness forums.
Recently someone posted about the letter stating the combining of the MTS and the school for Christian couples, another poster commented that Jehovah is so good. I stated that the people in the Phillipines wouldn't think that Jehovah is good. I haven't seen what they said about that one yet. Their mindless euphoria is sickening.
Narcissistic Supply
No you have to give up. throw in the towel. and let the little system of rules, courts, and hypocrisy destroy itself. let them eat cake.