Watchtower is not keeping up.

by dogon 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dogon

    Anyone who knows the history of the cult, knows
    that they regularly used the very newest of technology to the fullest possible way
    to get their message out. Phonographs with recordings of talks, taken from door
    to door. Radio stations across the country daily giving people in rural parts
    of the country the ability to listen to the cults propaganda. They used very
    means available to them. Now the new media, from Facebook to texting is not
    only something they do not use but they tell the cult members to avoid it. They
    have become afraid of exposure to any critical thinking. Remember growing up
    where it was said “we have all the answers” “the rest of the religious organizations
    fear us because they cannot answer the questions we ask” Now who is afraid? Who is hiding like scard
    rabbits in the grass hoping the hawk does not see them move. I find it funny that the very same principals
    that once expanded the cult membership is now the very thing that is taking it
    apart limb by limb.

  • Phizzy

    They stopped keeping up with technology when Television got to be big. They realised they could not compete with the big money being poured in.

    The Internet has given them their biggest shock and problem, they cannot control it in any way, they are forced to join in, because of economic reasons, and yet at the same time they are warning that it is a danger to the R&F JW.

    They really are lagging behind now, and every target they aim at to protect their House of Cards is a moving target.

    Interesting times ahead, a 19th century anachronistic organization like theirs can only flounder even more as technology moves so very very fast, and Jehovah's Chariot appears to have broken down on the Hard Shoulder quite some time ago.

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