It's going around Facebook, sometimes it's kind of interesting
1. I'm a Navy brat from San Diego.
2. I've lived in California since I was 6yo, but I've visited China, Tahiti, Mexico, Hawaii, Guam and Canada plus many of the other states in the US.
3. I collect green pottery, for no reason except that I like green.
4. I studied Latin for three years in school and can't remember any of it.
5. My pet cat is extremely neurotic.
6. My favorite movie is "To Kill a Mockingbird."
7. I'm a Whovian.
8. If I had to pick only one favorite book, it would be Archie and Mehitabel.
9. I have an inappropriate sense of humor and I'm kind of proud of that.
10. My goal is to live forever on a paradise earth. (Just kidding!)
So, how about you? I'm far more interested in people than in JWism -- tell us something about yourself without revealing TMI