10 things you don't know about me

by Hortensia 4 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Hortensia

    It's going around Facebook, sometimes it's kind of interesting

    1. I'm a Navy brat from San Diego.

    2. I've lived in California since I was 6yo, but I've visited China, Tahiti, Mexico, Hawaii, Guam and Canada plus many of the other states in the US.

    3. I collect green pottery, for no reason except that I like green.

    4. I studied Latin for three years in school and can't remember any of it.

    5. My pet cat is extremely neurotic.

    6. My favorite movie is "To Kill a Mockingbird."

    7. I'm a Whovian.

    8. If I had to pick only one favorite book, it would be Archie and Mehitabel.

    9. I have an inappropriate sense of humor and I'm kind of proud of that.

    10. My goal is to live forever on a paradise earth. (Just kidding!)

    So, how about you? I'm far more interested in people than in JWism -- tell us something about yourself without revealing TMI

  • whathappened

    I will google "whovian" and get back to you. Your life sounds super cool.

  • Hortensia

    from the Urban Dictionary:

    Whovian the whovians are considered to be psychopathic rainbow ponies from the extinct planet of gallifrey. They obsess over the words "Pond" and "Bad Wolf". The whovians are very strong. They can beat the shit out of other fandoms, and still have time for a cup of tea with their other fandoms, the supernaural fandom and the sherlock fandom. These fans are willing to donate their eyebrows for the current doctor, Matt Smith who seems to have no eyebrows. They fear nothing in the Earth except their whovian leader, Steven Moffat, the head writer of Doctor Who. They all seem to plan revenge on Moffat for ruining their lives.

    The fandom is currently worldwide, planning on being universal (outerspace). If you cross a whovian, make sure you don't say these phrases:
    "David Tennant's hair sucks"
    "Rose Tyler deserved to die"
    "Fuck Rory! AND FUCK AMY TOO"

  • jgnat

    I assumed a Whovian lived in Whoville.

  • whathappened

    Dear Hortensia, I will keep all that info in mind if I run into a Whovian. Thanks for the heads up.

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