I have to go to court tomorrow. I got a speeding ticket. Its been about 20 years since I have had one. I was clocked going more than twice the posted limit. I should have been taken to jail the day I got it. The officer was cool and let me go home. If I can't get it pled down I will lose my licence. Cross your fingers and say a prayer so I can keep my driving privaleges.
Cross your fingers
by KariOtt 5 Replies latest jw friends
Captain Obvious
You will likely lose your license. Bring a copy of your driver's abstract. If you're lucky or if you get there real early you may be able to talk to the prosecutor before you're called up and make a deal. You could try and get a higher fine for a shorter suspension.
If that doesn't work and you lose your license, then hopefully you will slow down!
Kari - Just want to make sure I'm following your post correctly
I was clocked going more than twice the posted limit. I should have been taken to jail the day I got it.
Is the above what happened 20 years ago or what happened just the other day. If you're referring to what happened the other day, you're really asking for prayers so you can keep driving?
However if the above happened 20 years ago, then forget it, too long ago to discuss
I live in country - New Zealand - where speeding drivers are a serious problem. They cause untold suffering, misery and even death. Why should anyone waste a prayer for you to keep your driving privilages when you have so flagrantly ignored speed limits? You're not playing games when you get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Any speeding vehicle - especially in speed reduction areas - is a potential lethal machine. Use this as an opportunity to develop normal adult responsibility. You got one thing right: It is a privilege to have a driver's license and, I would add, not a right.
If you're in the US, get a lawyer.
Higher fine. No "points" against your license.
To explain for non-US members:
Here the speed limits are designed to be exceeded.
Every State and every municipality is starved for cash.
Running 10 mph or more over the speed limit is tolerated except on the days they decided to generate extra revenue.
If you get the speeding ticket, you hire the lawyer for $100, the fine to the State/City is doubled and your speeding ticket is dropped to a No Parking or Loud Exhaust ticket.
Lawyers make money. State/City gets more revenue. Your car insurance does not go up. You get to keep driving. Everybody wins.
Kari....pay the money and get yourself an attorney to represent you. You will save in the long run, if he can get it reduced, so you don't lose your license.