Do you think when someone takes things personally in a way they are "selfcentered" because "its all about them" ...
or does it mean maybe that the person is just very caring and sensitive?
"(A phrase people use as a disclaimer to make an excuse to say or do something rude or mean to you to prevent you from having a poor self-image or so there won't be repercussions")
When a person says not to take it personally, don't they mean it may be upset them ... just like they are requesting you not to be upset ?
Or is it saying learn something without retaliatory action ... like this joke from another post today
I'm suddenly remembering of a joke regarding a grammatical Nazi: A man walks up to another on the street and asks, “Can you tell where the library is at?” The other person says: “You should never end a sentence with a preposition.” “OK”, says the first man. “Can you tell me where the library is at, asshole?”