Recently, in a debate with my self-righteous uncle come elder, i tried to tell him about the Jimmy Swaggert case involving the charging of literiture, and he said the production of magazine,s etc. was a miracle from jehovah, is it safe to tell him that some countries still charge for literiture, and if so which ones ?? Is it only countries that conflict with WTBS paying tax ?
is it a miracle?
by Blackcat 4 Replies latest jw friends
If I'm right, now there is no charge on literature worldwide.
The WT do still charge for literature. Their 6,000,000 members pay for every publication they use and all those they help to distribute. With such a captive audience and an average printing of over 22,000,000 million Per Watchtower they are raking it in. The pretence of only accepting 'volintary contributions' from house-holders is just a tax avoidance scam to maintain charity status. What charities are their spare millions given to?
Christ said 'you will always have the poor' obviously he was not refering to the money grabing WT Society.
Australia only stopped charging for literature from 1 January, 2000.
Because the Australian government introduced a Goods and Services Tax (GST)on 1 July 2000. Mention of the tax started in early 1999. Not long after, the bros here began telling us that the literature would soon become "free".
Interestingly, New Zealand has had GST for at least a decade or so, and yes, you guessed it, they haven't been charging for literature all that time either.
Things that make you go hhmmm....
Food Service 'simplification' i.e. they did away with it, occurred because of governments viewing the sale of food as taxable, (quite right, too); so what happened?
The brothers and sisters now have to bring their play lunch to the assemblies. and guess what? There are rules about the style and shape of the containers. It's true! Ask any aussie!
Ozzie (who believes that when Jesus said to pay the taxman, he wanted his followers to obey )