My On-Line Witnessing Activity

by Yerusalyim 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Yerusalyim

    Well, for about 10 days now I've been "Witnessing" to a Witness via Email. I came across his email address on a community Bulletin Board run by AOL here in COlumbia. Our conversation has run from Pedophilia (ain't a problem according to him), to the UN thing (Apostate Lies he said) to serving in the military (I showed him Luke 2, Luke 7, and Acts 10). Finally, I presented the info on Rape possibly being a DFable offense. He didn't believe me so I actually pulled each quote from the mags and showed them to him. His response was that it was a waste of time to email with me because I didn't want the truth.

    HOPEFULLY some doubt has been planted. I sent him the 1934 Yearbook quotes and some stuff on the Trinity Pamphlet, I doubt I hear from him again. I guess I came on too strong huh?

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • seedy3

    LOL apostate lies. Yeah us postates lie about everything. Sheesh, Well if they do not want the truth about the truth, they are never gonna accept it, you have to see it is their life, it is the only life there is according to them. I mean look at violet, JW true and true. Oh that's through and through, cause there is no true in it.


  • Sirona

    I'd say you did. I would have approached it more subtly, but then I think you've done well in the sense that this person has actually read the information...and no matter what they say, it will definately have planted some sort of seed of doubt.


    ** **

  • larc

    I have had a similiar experience with two JWs on line. I stuck to the issues of end times predictions. After asking some basic questions, I never heard from either one of them again.

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