Well, for about 10 days now I've been "Witnessing" to a Witness via Email. I came across his email address on a community Bulletin Board run by AOL here in COlumbia. Our conversation has run from Pedophilia (ain't a problem according to him), to the UN thing (Apostate Lies he said) to serving in the military (I showed him Luke 2, Luke 7, and Acts 10). Finally, I presented the info on Rape possibly being a DFable offense. He didn't believe me so I actually pulled each quote from the mags and showed them to him. His response was that it was a waste of time to email with me because I didn't want the truth.
HOPEFULLY some doubt has been planted. I sent him the 1934 Yearbook quotes and some stuff on the Trinity Pamphlet, I doubt I hear from him again. I guess I came on too strong huh?
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]