Growing up as a witness can do strange things to people, especially in a sexual sense. I'd be embarraassed to recount some of the stories and experiences about sex that I've seen and heard dealing with young witnesses.
It seems that there are quite a few marriages that have taken place with younger witnesses simply to satisfy sexual urges. After the inital curiosity has been satisfied a lot times young couples realize that they made a terrible mistake which often leads to a variety of different problems.
Currently I find myself in a similar situation. Although I'm not dealing with any particular stressful marital problems I am however realizing that marriage was'nt the best choice for me. (at least at this particular time in my life) Even as a boy I've had a tendecy to seek out solitude and now that I'm approaching my 30th year of life I have that same desire. I would'nt consider myself to be anti-social by any means, but I really enjoy the pleasures of having time alone.
Its a terrible thing to realize that you've made an error in regards to a major decision such as marriage. I find myself resenting the fact that I put so much faith into the WTS and allowing their teachings to control so much of my life.
Whats your thoughts on sex and marriage from the JW perspective?
Does their outlook do more harm than good?
Its ironic that I tried to do the honorable thing by getting married so I could fulfill my needs in a bibical way, but I'm still unsatisfied.