I`ve had a few inquiries re my elder pal, otherwise known as the "Dub in the Pub".
Just to recap: I like to spend my final hour of the day relaxing over a few beers in my local pub. We`re a pretty fun lovin` bunch and the repartee flows thick and fast.
We`re only a few miles from the border with Wales, so most of us have inherited the Welsh habit of tacking someones occupation or hobby on the end of a persons name. It works like this: I have a pint with Roy the Guinness, chat to Dave the Taxi, play dominoes with Pete the Paint, who always beats me, Mike the Windows. All will become clear!
About a year ago, a new fella quickly became an established customer. John was a fascinating guy and over the next few weeks I started to value his company. Until......:
One day I said to the Landlord of the pub, "Have you seen John this week?" The landlord replied: "Do you mean John the Jehovah?"
I was stunned! John the Jehovah? Bloody hell, the guy seemed so normal! Then the landlord told me he was an elder. Ye Gods, whatever next?
I discussed it at length with her Ladyship, and asked H20 posters for advice. The general consensus was, that as DF`ing is an unscriptural abomination, I should not enable his shunning of me by confessing to being a DF`d witness. So I stayed schtumm.
Then John told me he knew I was a DF`d witness and that he didn`t mind a bit because I was not an apostate ! Oh dear.
So, I chose disretion as the better part of valour and stayed silent. (I like this fella!) We have even played guitar together in his home.
But now comes the tricky part. He has suddenly stopped coming in the pub. I know he hasn`t moved because his car is always outside his house. Other regulars who have seen him in town, say that he is coming back shortly, but he has business commitments that are keeping him away.
It would be easy for me to go back to his house to check he`s OK, but it`s years since I let anyone snub me, and I`m concerned that he may have been reprimanded for associating with me, so I`m reluctant to call on him.
Any advice would be much appreciated!