Could someone give me a workable explanation of Tartarus and how and what Jesus preached to the imprisoned spirits there? And while I'm in 1st Peter, what is the meaning of 1 Peter 4:6 where the message is to be declared to the dead? I know what I think, but I'd love your opinions.
by petespal2002 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
its good with fish sticks
Tartarus, the abode of the dead. Thus in the APostles creed it states, He [Jesus] descended into hell [the abode of the dead]. Now, in Jesus story of Lazarus and the Rich Man, we see that the Righteous dead and the Unrighteous dead were seperated but in the same place. Those like Lazarus, though in the Bossom of Abraham, were imprisoned in this abode of the dead, unable to cross over into heaven. Jesus went to the abode of the dead. He presented the Gospel to the Righteous Dead who accepted him, and to the unrighteous, that their self-conviction might be complete in their rejection of him. This pretty much ties the two scriptures 91 pet 3:19 and 1 Pet 4:6) together.
Hope that helps.YERUSALYIM
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"] -
I can't see that explanation being complete, as it doesn't concur with the explanation of what happened to those spirits in Genesis.Further, are you presenting an argument for Limbo / purgatory?
Mike Musto
I thought it was the stuff on your teeth that you are suppose keep cleaned off.Target
I agree to a certain extent with Yeru, but again wonder how it ties in with the demons from Genesis. Also are you saying the account of the Rich Man and Lazarus is a literal teaching, as I thought it was allagorical, denoting changing positions of two groups of people with an unbreachable chasm in between. T'S Eliot deals with it well in 'The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock.'
Could we also consider if Hell exists but noone is actually in there? How many of you out there are true to your JW beliefs to a certain extent whilst not liking the organization? -
I thought that was Dr. Who's phone booth...
"As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
Believe in yourself, not mythology.
<x >< -
I thought Tartarus was the condition or region that the naughty angels were restrained by after the big flood. They could no longer directly interfere with the physical realm. Was Jesus' preaching to persuade them to have a change of heart before they were judged by the saints?
I personally believe that the JW's still have a number of Bibilical ideas correct (e.g. Trinity, no eternal torment, earth restoration, etc.). Their chronology and organization-centricity suck though.
Little Toe,
No, this wasn't presented as an arguement in favor of Purgatory. What happened to the to the "spirits in Genesis?" 1Pet3:19 simply mentions that people have been COMONLY sinning since Noah's time, given over to sin in fact.
Pete's Pal,
Does Jesus or the Scriptures indicate that the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man is a parable or an allegory? What Jesus' point was in this story is that people who refused to accept or practice the teachings of Moses would be unbeleiving...unimpressed even When Jesus rose from the dead. Having said that, there's as much reason to believe this is the Lazarus whom Jesus resurrected as not.
You said,
I personally believe that the JW's still have a number of Bibilical ideas correct (e.g. Trinity, no eternal torment, earth restoration, etc.). Their chronology and organization-centricity suck though.
I might agree with all of what you said if it didn't fly in the face of the scriptures and Sacred Tradition.
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]