What to say ???

by speechless 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • speechless

    The corporation I work for let go more than 1/2 of our local staff today without severance pay. Many of those let go were close friends whom I'd like to stay in touch. I feel guilty, however, that I'm still onboard!

    Can anyone offer wisdom on what I can say to these "friends" to break the ice? I've never experienced a corporate "layoff"...

  • gumby

    Can anyone offer wisdom on what I can say to these "friends" to break the ice?

    Say.."don't come running to me and borrowing money dudes!

    Just kidding. That is sad for your friends and there is no reason for you to feel a need to say anything. It wasn't your fault.

    How about saying this.." I wonder why I didn't get layed off?
    Let them do the talking.

    Sorry for your buddies, and hope things work out OK.

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