Other than my mom, the only other JW I've ever had any real life experience with was a co-worker. Actually, I was her supervisor and there is one thing that never made sense to me. She would aggressively attempted to "witness" to everyone (my supervisor had to eventually tell her to cool it) Well, everyone pretty much respected her beliefs and knew better than to invite her to any birthday celebrations, etc. One of my responsibilites was to turn in everyones time...despite her lip service to "pagan celebrations" she would ALWAYS write "HOLIDAY" across whatever day, to insure 8 hours paid holiday. Is it me or is there a great divide between WORD and DEED? If something were so reprehensible to me and my beliefs...I wouldn't belly up to the trough, know what I mean?
Hypocricy of paid holidays...
by KistByQpid 4 Replies latest jw friends
Very true.
Where I work, we get our birthday off "paid".
I cant imagine a witness saying, "Im sorry, I just cant do it. Its against my religion". -
My view was always : The company was closing down for the day and paying everyone, why should I be given a day off work w/o pay because they wanted to celebrate a holiday. I mean I do see your point, but do Jews insist on working on Christmas? Do they reject their holiday pay for a holiday they don't believe in? These days off are usually listed as benefits. These benefits are often spelled out prior to employment. For example: "2 sickdays, 10 paid holidays, 2 weeks vacation." In this context weather or not you believe in those holidays is irrelevent. They are part of the compensation package. I know I'll get some heat for that, but that is how I felt and still feel.
LOL. They've thought of everything. They will just invoke the old "Using this world but not to its full" Clause.
I volunteered to work on Xmas eve and New Years day since the owner had always asked someone to work. Then one year he decided because I was JW, that he'd be open on Thanksgiving as well. Well, everyone was mad and we did not make any sales, so the next year I said no, it was better for everyone involved to not be open.
I know what you mean though. I just hated working those days though because our store never did business on those days, it was a waste of time. Time I'd rather spend at home. So, I don't volunteer. If they want to pay, thats fine. But I'd rather be earning commissions on busy days than sitting around wishing I was home reading.