I had lunch with two ex-JWs today. I wish I could meet more of you -- it's fun to hear everyone's stories and find out what they are doing with their lives.
by Hortensia 8 Replies latest jw friends
That sounds like fun.
Suraj Khan
Awesome. Wish I could do the same!
Captain Blithering
Me too... Anyone in Yorkshire fancy meeting up?
Seriously true.
I've never had a 'dud' meet-up with xjw's.
I had lunch with two ex-JWs today.....Hortensia
.........................................I made Lunch out of a Jehovahs Witness today..
Outlaw -- you're a nut. Seriously, though, wasn't the meat a little bit bitter?
Me too... Anyone in Yorkshire fancy meeting up?-CB
Yeah we will meet you CB, just tell your wife I am a reg pioneer, we will come to your meeting and go for a meal after. Would be cool, you know what I look like now, we'll come after xmas.
Love Sam xx