The wisdom of Ozzy

by Pardus 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pardus

    I never thought I would be quoting the wisdom of Ozzy Osbourne but he said something on the show tonight that stuck with me. He said something like "the thing about life is, you don't figure it out until you're almost dead." Yes, I know his mental processes have been screwed up from drugs so I'm sure he didn't figure out a lot of things that he should have. But I was thinking this could be applied to witnesses. Many former witnesses didn't figure out that the "truth" wasn't as truthful as it seemed until they were older in years, or "almost dead." It's hard enough figuring life out as it is but when you have grown up being endlessly taught so many things that are false, it really screws your mind up. You thought you knew it all, and now you know nothing. I'm glad I am still young so I can start living now the way I want to live.

  • VioletAnai

    I think the older we get, the more we reflect on our lives and how we've lived them.

    Some wish they'd seen more, helped more, loved more, cried more and believed more...others are just glad that's it's over and they can finally rest.

    Maybe that's why we question our faith as we age...worried that we may have devoted our whole lives to something fruitless....but in the end we are all dust and I truly feel that as long as you are remembered by loved ones...your life can never be fruitless no matter what course you chose.

  • Satanus

    It's my opinion that people don't become counscious of what they are doing until they reach about the age of 20 years. By then most people have many obligations: kids, wife/husband/girlfriend, car payments, house payments, etc. By about age 40, many of these have run their course. At that time often people start to look seriously at their lives. They are able to begin living for themselves, searching for their own answers. Answers slowly are found and accumulated. By the time they reach age 60, they could have an understanding of reality - the big picture. Then they are ready to teach others, if they wish.

    I think people who move around in the stratosphere, so to speak, are exposed to more advanced and more varied philosophies than most of us who are locked into a routine. Also, some types of drugs can actually help a person transcend a lot of the crap.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    SS, I've gone through the ages you cited and the first sentence in the last paragraph is on the money, EXCEPT the drugs at least for me.

    Guest 77

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