Hot off the News wire Roman Catholic Biship of LA Cardnal Roger Mahoney is getting busted under federal racketeering laws. Hopfully the Feds will use the RICO law next on the WT for aid and abeting child molesters in the WT. The WT is going a bunch of mobster and papists. Three cheers for RICO
The sad thing is to see an element of trust be so devistated and wickedly disintagrated that it would dive anyone to tears.
Yet even though these religions do not carry the gospel messege of faith alone in Christ alone, you still feel awfull about the terrable atrocity that has taken place. and the cultural ramification that it will have. Leaving people in society that has been affected by this wrong doing with a bitter since of anamocity against God and the things of God because of the perverse crimes of those whom falsly represented Christianity have done in betraying thier trust in those whom they where supposed to shepherd. Let alone the black eye thay gave in the name of Christianity, Granted both the WT and RCC are false forms of Christianity.