100 years from 1914 is a long time. People has been born and grown old and died. Like my grandparents who were Jws. And my parents are soon becoming pensioners. I can not get it that this long period could equal to the short period that would follow after Satan is thrown to earth. And the generation doctrin does not seem to have anything to do with 1914.
100 years from 1914
by Kosonen 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The 1914 doctrine is just one of the many pretentious commercialized frauds created by the WTS. to enhanced attention
to the literature it produced. In biblical epistemology a generation is typically one life span of one individual.
Well gee willickkers 100 years has past from 1914 and nothing at all to show of the great tribulation and Armageddon.
It better happen pretty soon or the WTS. will really reveal itself to what it is ........ crass Charlatanism perpetrated by a religious publishing house.
The Searcher
(Job 42:16) "And Job continued living after this a hundred and forty years and came to see his sons and his grandsons—four generations."
I don't think I need to add a comment on this - unless of course a calculator is needed!!! 144 divided by 4 = ?
Thank you searcher needed that reference in job to
refute the joseph thing
You need to get the right perspective. 100 years is NOT a long time! IF you are a tree! And the Bible does refer to the "big trees of righteousness". So just think of yourself as a tree and everything fits. And don't leaf off meeting attendance, study, prayer, FS, and association. Branch out in your service and Never leaf Jehovah or you'll get cut down at the big 'A'.
We ought to be pleased we woke up when we did. For some, the first cracks of doubt appear well into old age when the "benefits" of leaving would be close to zero and the problems huge. For them, it may be preferable to die rather than overtly leave an organization that has kept them - and their parents before them - waiting for an end that never quite arrives - unless that end is one's life here on earth.
After reading Job 42:16 I hope the WTS doesn't use that as an example, such as
to say well in biblical times people lived longer so we should reference that in the
accumulative time assumption.
Logically and honestly they couldn't because " This generation " means the generation living at the time,
not in biblical times. As its known we don't live to 140 years old now.
Oh those commercialized and deceitful false prophets.
A point that I've repeatedly made is as follows. The last days are specifically compared to Noah's time in the Bible. The WT has interpreted this to mean that Noah preached for 40 years to warn mankind of the upcoming destruction. They refused to listen, so God brought the Flood and destroyed all but Noah and his family.
This is supposed to match up with the last days when "Jehovah's people" were chosen to warn mankind of Armageddon. But unlike Noah's time, 100 years have passed since the WT was supposedly selected. Almost 135 years have passed since the first Watchtower was published.
If the WT is some sort of modern-day Noah, then why would God have selected them to warn a group of people who would die before Armageddon ever got here? This would be like God sending me to warn you and your family that your house will burn down 130 years from now. Gee thanks, guy. A lot of good that does me.
The point here is that if you step back from it you can see the absurdity of it all without having to get into specific verses in the Bible. Their whole end-times eschatology is garbage and you can prove it without the need to get into the weeds.
Hi eyeuse2badub,
It would be stange to tell a short period of time and then not to mean it in Revelation 12:12: Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to YOU, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.”
Especially strange would that be because of the context. Verse 6 mentions specificly 1260 days.