Inactive and the RBC

by ekruks 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ekruks

    Ok, I'm inactive..... as for qualification for the RBC, what are the bare minimum requirements.

    Is it merely to be active, i.e. go on the ministry one hour a month (or hand in a report saying that?), or to be in "good standing" does one have to be regular at enduring (all?) the meetings? How long since one was inactive? Is it like disfellowshipping where it takes decades to get over it or is it a month or so?

  • DesirousOfChange

    Depends entirely on your Body of Elders.

    I doubt anyone who is inactive or irregular would be approved, but a lot of things can be overlooked in a person who happens to have a very needed skill at the QBs.

    If you happen to be the only electrician or plumber with a license that is required on the construction site in that State or City, then you could go from "weak, irregular attender who doesn't qualify for QBs" to "not the most zealous brother but still a 'very good' sincere brother that might be helped by the unity he would see and the association he would get working at the QB".


  • stillin

    DoC is correct, but prepare yourself to be thrown by the wayside as soon as somebody else, better, steps forward.

    I really did enjoy the quick-builds.

  • Simon

    Jesus could show up and if he's not pals with the people with the say-so then he would be turned away.

    It's all about who you know, not what you know.

    Actually, it's all about what you know about who you know.

  • prologos

    he was the only PERFECT carpenter who ever lived. but

    Disqualified because he tried to disrupted the unity of Jehovahs approved channel, particularly the financial aspect.

  • ekruks

    Jesus would be disfellowshipped the second he met the organisation!

    I want to get involved with a RBC team on weekends, because it would let me improve some electrical skills I use for work - they are always short of good people in some teams. I just don't want to have to do say 10 hours ministry a month and about 4 hours in meetings - no time for that; with trying to get back lost education with college studies and trying to pay rent. That said, I left the town, so bros and sis in old cong think I am active and pioneering - lol probably still officially on the RBC but I don't think I can just write to them lol, need elders to send approval

    I know I'm not the only one here who feels that pioneering and window cleaning doesn't give one strong training for employment. I now spend former pioneer hours studying at local college, which is going ok, paying bills by doing electrical contracts when I can get them, but like with pioneering, finding part-time work to pay rent is not easy - stressful times, worrying this will all just fall apart and the local JWs point and say they were right, but they are at the moment upset that I am better off than the pioneer days.

    Think RBC would be good opportunity outside of workplace to practise skills - it's generally very laidback, so not like anyone is going to fire me if I get something wrong - learn tips from others.

    The brothers tell me it's because I need to draw closer to Jehovah, but when pioneering, some days I ate two meals, didn't use heating in winter, wore clothes that were worn out, crazy days - I was better off than many unfortunate people in Asia, etc., but Matt 6:33 didn't seem to work for me.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    It is all about "usefullness." Consider the analogy of a tool in a toolbox. The mechanic throws the tool to the back of his toolbox because it has become outdated. The current model of cars he works on don't require the tool. However, a gentleman drives into his shop with a rare automobile, a car that this man once specialized in. The tool, now discarded at the back of the toolbox, is necessary and required. It has become useful again.

    I have found that, in general, your so-called spiritual status is not as important as your "usefullness." tool jokes.


  • BluesBrother

    I have found that, in general, your so-called spiritual status is not as important as your "usefullness."

    That goes for elders & M/S too. We had a M /S with an untidt beard and an "attitude" . The C/O wanted him removed but we , as a body, defended him because he was a whiz with the accounts and nobody else wanted to do it.

    As I left one congo a new elder moved in, a secretary in his old congo and a dab hand at all things technical. He had moved under a cloud, teen daughter reproved, his wife angrily defended her , he fell out of love with his old b of e . Because he was willing to be secretary my b of e were going to use him imediately no matter what the old one said

    Expediency and pragmatism rule over "Theocratic principles"


    Just read an electrical " How To" book and watch youtube need to help the Borg.....


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