Decorating the Christmas tree is not Scripturally condemned YET the Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT ALLOWED to decorate it let alone have one in the house.
As for makeup, Watchtower says the following:
“Modest and tasteful use of cosmetics and articles of adornment is not scripturally condemned. However, Paul and Peter admonished Christian women to adorn themselves “with modesty and soundness of mind, . . . in the way that befits women professing to reverence God,” and to let their adornment be “the secret person of the heart in the incorruptible apparel of the quiet and mild spirit, which is of great value in the eyes of God.” (1Ti 2:9, 10; 1Pe 3:3, 4)”
(Insight Volume 1 page 515)
If the “use of cosmetics and articles of adornment is not scripturally condemned” then shouldn’t you apply the same reasoning to decorating the Christmas tree?
With all this said, shouldn’t the Superiors in Bethel allow their beloved members to decorate a Christmas tree “with modesty and soundness of mind, . . . in the way that befits [people] professing to reverence God,” and to let their adornment be “the secret person of the heart in the incorruptible [decorations] of the quiet and mild spirit, which is of great value in the eyes of God.”?
Of course the Jehovahs will most likely mention Jeremiah 10 and Isaiah 44:14-19 BUT just know that Christians do not worship the Xmas tree but use it with a good conscience and “soundness of mind”.
What is the difference between decorating a Xmas tree and decorating the face?
by I_love_Jeff 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
yadda yadda 2
Excellent reasoning.
Same reasoning for Birthdays. Why are wedding rings and wedding anniversaries that also have associated pagan origins ok for JW's but poor JW kiddies can't even have a harmless birthday party? Israelites families commemorated a child's weaning on reaching its 3rd birthday and the scriptures tell us Job (or was it some other Bible patriarch?) had a special celebration on the anniversaries of his children's birth and used it as an opportunity to praise Jehovah for the gift of children.
Finding inconsistancies in the doctrines and dogma of JWs is not difficult.
No one puts Presents under Your Face for Christmas..
rip van winkle
Lol, Outlaw!!!
When you put makeup on your face, you are enhancing your appeal with the view of getting more people to take the littera-trash (I believe dressing more for the times would also do the same thing, instead of frumpy dresses and ugly gray suits.) It costs relatively little. Now, I believe makeup should be used judiciously anyways--to enhance what is already there, not create what isn't (that is also easier to maintain because huge amounts of makeup quickly look bad).
On the other hand, try going out in field circus while decorating a Christmas tree. Just ask any 5 year old witless child whether they would rather stay in and help put up the Christmas tree or go out in field circus. Most would rather stay in and watch the tree going up. I remember putting up those things--it was the highlight of the year when that tree went up. When I was finally assigned that task, it didn't even seem like work because I enjoyed seeing it go up. Even when it came time to untangle the lights, I seemed to be able to get them untangled without problems. For sure, spending time untangling Christmas lights (or, better, spending the few toilet papers on a reel to prevent them from getting tangled in the first place) is better than spending the same amount of time in field circus.
Also, you don't make memories putting makeup on your face. The washtowel wants children's lives to be as dry as possible, and makeup is consistent with that. Putting up that Christmas tree, on the other hand, isn't. Especially if it comes with baking, shopping at places you don't normally take them, putting the gifts under the tree, going to visit places you don't usually visit because it's Christmas time, and getting the presents that the jokehovians are programmed to lie about getting all year anyways.
Then, once the gifts are opened, how many children would prefer doing field circus? Give girls a nice dollhouse, lots of doll furniture, and play appliances. And boys a nice race car set, play tools, and toy robots. And both some nice sleds, skis, or other outdoor playing equipment to enjoy the snow. Now, just try taking them out in field circus that afternoon. How many are going to be able to stay out through the afternoon without complaining about that they would rather be playing? Without the toys, they are more likely to get through the afternoon simply because there isn't any fun.