China puts the squeeze on US media

by Hortensia 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    I wonder what would happen if the Chinese started buying up these huge news conglomerates, maybe put Times in their back pocket, buy a bunch of agencies like Reuters. News is already very selective, depending on who owns the news media.

    Social media, like twitter, facebook and so forth, prevent news from being totally hidden, but those outlets are very capricious in content. And, countries like China, the middle east, Russia can block access to those websites if they want to do so.

  • Pistoff

    I agree, when will the US government realize that Chinese ownership of news outlets has to be banned.

    Chinese business, unethical.

    Chinese government, unethical.

  • Satanus

    It couldn't be worse than what it is now. It would take people a while to adjust to the new, eastern flavors of the prepared 'news'. No big deal. One southpark had a trend where people ate crap.

    Comrade S

    Ps, i don't listen to, read, or watch 'news', and haven't for a few yrs. So, i would be little affected. I DO go out for chinese food, occasionaly.

  • Pistoff

    "It couldn't be worse than what it is now."

    I'll take that as hyperbole.

    In China, NO negative mention of the government; censorship is the norm.

    No mention of problems, etc.

  • Satanus

    Our medias are run by the corps for the corps. Their interests, interests of factions of the govt and interests of isreal are preserved. Thus, certain issues that cast negative lights on them are not discussed or discussed/reported on negatively.

    Certain trends are started and promoted by the medias. Opposition to those trends is not seen.

    As well, there is political correctness, which needs to be adhered to.

    This media control is more complex than govt censorship. In govt censorship, the govt is protected. In our controled media, the corps, certain govt factions and israel are protected. But, everyone thinks its a free media, w real news. Control on our media is practically as effective as direct govt censorship.


  • Satanus

    There is a lot of stuff and fluff in the medias that the controler don't care about. Certain key subjects are the key issues about which they care. For instance the wars since the second iraq war. Also, the plight of the palestinians. Also, the promotion of black men above white people.


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