Hi ; We got a text from one of our children today . Her and her brother are basically are disowning us . We haven't gone to meetings for a while . Is something been said at meetings , or is something coming out about ones who miss meetings ? Need to know Thanks
Has anyone Heard of things going on?
by Shaul 9 Replies latest jw friends
Wow. So sorry to hear that, you would think common courtesy would allow for a conversation, but by text??? That is just cruel.
I don't go but I do read up on the literature and follow the board, haven't heard anything out of the ordinary.
I would act confused. Make them come over and explain it to you, using the "We aren't disfellowshipped, why do you feel the need to treat us like we are?" card.
Good luck.
Just the basic rhetoric about distancing oneself from spiritualy weak people.
But thats a constant instruction.
The JWS is a high controlling cult if you haven't noticed.
Remember in the JWS mind set, shunning members who do not participate as on going
Kingdom Hall attendants is a form of punishment in this socially structured religion.
Even toward family members if the case may be.
i heard a recent convention mentioned this. To be "Strong in the Truth", you need to not make excuses to spend time or communicate with DF'd family. If you are inactive/faded then maybe they are just being extra spiritual. There were some experiences mentioned, about how Shunning DF'd ones by family is actually what made them go back!
We got a text from one of our children today . Her and her brother are basically are disowning us .
Seems a very harsh way to treat one's parents....and I am sure that it has not been sanctioned by the WTS.. Are you sure of the meaning of the text? Have you followed it up with them?
Excuses to meet Disfellow shipped family is a different matter to talking to slipped ones. What about the Bible (and WT ) counsel to respect your parents and look out for them?
A friend of mine was sent a text this weekend from an aunt who had up to that point been in regular contact with him, telling him that she would no longer remain in contact.
It's called emotional blackmail. I engaged in it at the height of my indoctrinated stay. If it helps, please know that deep down, this is something that they are being taught to do. No one would sanely choose to do this to their family.
You never know what do-gooder has pulled out a recent hard-line watchtower and wants to make an issue of things.
Nothing SCREAMS CULT like shunning family, friends or former members of an organization just because the leadership says so. When I was an elder, I never df'ed anyone just because I thought it was too cult like. Just saying!
I heard someone say that a person who had been df'd finally came back because their family stopped talking to them. They said that's what the organization told us to do and it worked. No thought or consideration is given that the person only came back to speak to their family. your family perhaps may be trying this same tactic. The last big push about df'd family and how to treat them was I believe at either this years district conventions or the year prior.