JW "calling card" was posted on local bulletin board. This is a new one.

by Faithful Witness 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    I was curious to find this card posted on a local bulletin board, along with other business cards.

    The pictures depict a front and back view. The only name I see is "bill." The phone number is from Miami, Florida. (I live in central Michigan).

    Have you ever seen anything like this, or known anyone who had these little calling cards?

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Oh the picture did not post.

    front side depicts logo for JW.org, and a QR code

    fine print at bottom: "bill spiritual advisor day & evening appointmnets 305-300-0304" (in all lower case, just like this)

    back side has some phrases:

    ... It's the end of the world as we know it.

    ... This is it, thee apocalypse.

    ... Ain't no rest for the wicked.

    ... Gotta serve somebody.

    Fine print at bottom, all together, no spaces: "Christian-greekscriptureActs17:16-28paul,Rome,l.c.e.

    "Eve of destruction", P.F. Sloan/Barry McGuire, 1965


  • clarity

    Hi Faithful ... yes I have seen them ... also stapled to watchtowers!

    The name, phone # and an offer of a FREE home bible study!


    Lot of gaul these days hahahhaa.


  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Wow, talk about blowing your trumpet ahead of you...

    i added the text from the card. The things written on the card are not familiar to me, at least coming from a JW.

    I took the only card, and have found a new thing to collect. What about the out of state phone number? Maybe it's someone who winters in Florida, and summers in Michigan. If so, it is curious to see a card at this time of year.

    No call to action, or mention of a Bible study... Just spiritual advice.

  • BluesBrother

    With phrases like that he is no Witness, or at least not one of any standing in the movement.

    Quoting Bob Dylan and Barry Maguire in a presentation - I ask you.....

  • love2Bworldly

    You should call him & see what he's about, just out of curiousity

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    We should all call him! Haha. I just might.


    He may know TTATT.. or he could be a looney-toon, or both!!

  • besty

    272 page views - I wonder how many calls he got today :-)

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Yes, I had a great card. Still have about 250 left over!!! Thank you Vista print for an offer too good to refuse. ( insert rolly eyed emoticon here.)

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