Sorry for another thread, however I saw on here that the two Stele's disagree with each other, one saying Adad Guppi died on Nab's 6th year and the other saying she died on his 9th regnal year. Is there truth to this or was it merely a translation error at the time? I'm struggling to find info on this stuff so I come to the experts.
In regards to the Hillah Stele?
by possiblepineapple 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Anyone got anything on this, it'd greatly help in regards to understanding chronology. Did the first Stele say the 6th year or was it just assumptions?
Witness My Fury
Which thread was it you saw this on?
The Hillah Stele (Nabonidus. No. 8) is a different tablet to the Adad-Guppi Stele (Nabonidus No. 24).
The Hillah Stele talks about the Elhulhul temple in Harran, how Nabonidus had had a dream at the beginning of his reign where the gods told him to restore it and, after 54 years of being in ruins (Harran had been sacked in 609 BCE), it was restored. The inscription is useful because it gives a total number of years from the time Nabopolassar sacked the city and plundered the temple (cf. Chronicle 3) to Nabonidus' first year - 54 years, 609 to 555 BCE.
There are two copies of the Adad-Guppi inscription - one very damaged and another better preserved. Both versions have '9th year.' The '6th year' is a misprint in ANET.
Aah so it was never the 6th year? Fair enough.
and I didn't realise the difference between the Hillah Stele, but interesting none the less and I'm guessing it yet again prevents another extra 20 years?
Yeah but that thread if cluttered with TW's nonesense
True, but AlanF provides some valuable resources if one digs through the thread.