This is something that I often wonder about. So many have faded away for various reasons, or get DF and stop attending meetings and go on with their lives. I wonder how many of them have researched that the Org may not be the truth, and how many go on believing it, but just mve on with their lives because they feel they are inadequate, cant live up to the standards, etc and feel they will be destroyed in armadeddon. They physically free themselves but mentally are slaves.
I feel There are 5 types of JW/ex JW.
1. Mentally sleeping/slaves and physically still in.
2. Mentally sleeping/slaves and have stopped JW activities
3. Mentally free but physically still in due to family etc.. The concious class/stealth mode.
4. Mentally free and phsically free.
5. Just starting to wake up, think for themselves (somewhere in between)
and maybe a 6th- Just going along to get along, not believing or non believing, just letting momentum carry them through the motions.
How many non attending inactive/ DF do you think are awake?