Witness Hypocrisy

by wallievase 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wallievase

    If you follow the bible and the bible says to love all, how in the convention letter about special needs can a person be disqualified from receiving help if they arent in good standing? What does that have to do with attending a convention?

    You are supposedly following the 1st century model- why dont the c.o.s work like paul did?

    How do you have the right to invent questions someone has to answer before they can be baptized, along with a million other opinions put across as facts- blood fractions, porn, masturbation, oral sex, birthdays, etc?

  • jhine



  • Listener

    "in good standing"

    This is often mentioned and what do they really mean?

    At times they are referring to being in good standing with God. No-one can judge whether a person is in good standing with God or not.

    At other times they are referring to being in good standing with the congregation. When a person is not there is little if no consideration given to them. It would be interesting to see the scriptures that back up their idea that this disqualifies those persons from recieving any help from the congregation.

    A person may well be in good standing with God but the organization has determined that they are not in good standing within the congregation.

  • Vidiot

    vallievase - "If you follow the bible and the bible says to love all, how in the convention letter about special needs can a person be disqualified from receiving help if they arent in good standing?"

    Same way they can justify helping their own in disaster relief, but not bother organizing any kind of charity or community-oriented work.

    Loyal members of an authoritarian "in-group" get taken care of; non-members do not.

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